- free silver
- свободная чеканка серебра
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Free Silver — was an important political issue in the late 19th century United States. To understand exactly what is meant by free coinage of silver , it is necessary to understand the way mints operated in the days of the gold standard. Essentially, anyone… … Wikipedia
Free silver — The free coinage of silver; often, specif., the free coinage of silver at a fixed ratio with gold, as at the ratio of 16 to 1, which ratio for some time represented nearly or exactly the ratio of the market values of gold and silver respectively … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
free silver — free silver, adj. Econ. the free coinage of silver, esp. at a fixed ratio with gold. [1875 80, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
free silver — ☆ free silver n. the free coinage of silver, esp. at a fixed ratio to the gold coined in the same period … English World dictionary
free silver — noun 1. : the free coinage of silver often at a fixed ratio with gold 2. : the advocacy of or political philosophy favoring free silver … Useful english dictionary
Free Silver Movement — Late 19th century U.S. political movement that advocated unlimited coinage of silver. Proponents included owners of western silver mines, farmers who wanted higher crop prices, and debtors who believed an expanded currency would allow them easier … Universalium
Grover Cleveland: Against a Free Silver Policy — ▪ Primary Source Congress attempted to end bimetallism in 1853 by abolishing silver coins, but neglected to mention silver dollars in its bill, so the country remained on a two metal standard until a revision of the law in 1873.… … Universalium
Free Silver Movement — (inglés: Movimiento en pro de la libre acuñación de la plata ) Movimiento político estadounidense de fines del s. XIX, en favor de acuñar monedas de plata sin limitaciones. Sus proponentes eran dueños de minas de plata en el oeste, agricultores… … Enciclopedia Universal
free´-sil´ver — free silver, the free coinage of silver, especially at a fixed 16 to 1 ratio with gold; the making of silver into coins for anyone who brings it to the mint. –free´ sil´ver, adjective … Useful english dictionary
silver standard — a monetary standard or system using silver of specified weight and fineness to define the basic unit of currency. [1825 35, Amer.] * * * Monetary standard under which the basic unit of currency is defined as a stated quantity of silver. It is… … Universalium
silver — silverer, n. silverish, adj. silverless, adj. silverlike, adj. silverness, n. /sil veuhr/, n. 1. Chem. a white, ductile metallic element, used for making mirrors, coins, ornaments, table utensils, photographic chemicals, conductors, etc. Symbol:… … Universalium