- fix a limit
- установить лимит
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
fix — [n] difficult or ticklish situation box*, corner*, dilemma, embarrassment, hole*, hot water*, jam*, mess*, pickle*, plight, predicament, quandary, scrape, spot*; concept 674 Ant. ease, good, peace fix [v1] establish, make firm affix, anchor,… … New thesaurus
limit — [n1] greatest extent absolute, bitter end*, border, bottom line*, bound, bourne, breaking point*, brim, brink, cap, ceiling, check, circumscription, conclusion, confinement, confines, curb, cutoff point*, deadline, destination, edge, end, end… … New thesaurus
fix — fix1 W2S2 [fıks] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(repair)¦ 2¦(limit)¦ 3 fix a time/date/place etc 4¦(arrange)¦ 5¦(attach)¦ 6¦(prepare food)¦ 7¦(solve)¦ 8 fix your attention/eyes/mind etc on somebody/something 9 fix somebody with a stare/glare/look etc … Dictionary of contemporary English
fix — 1 /fIks/ verb (T) 1 REPAIR to repair something that is broken or not working properly; mend 1 (1b) BrE : Dad s outside fixing the brakes on the Chevy. 2 LIMIT to decide on a limit for something, especially prices, costs etc, so that they do not… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
limit — limitable, adj. limitableness, n. /lim it/, n. 1. the final, utmost, or furthest boundary or point as to extent, amount, continuance, procedure, etc.: the limit of his experience; the limit of vision. 2. a boundary or bound, as of a country, area … Universalium
Limit or extend limits of debate — The motion to limit or extend limits of debate is used to modify the rules of debate. Contents 1 Explanation and Use 1.1 Robert s Rules of Order Newly Revised 1.2 The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure … Wikipedia
limit — {{11}}limit (n.) c.1400, boundary, frontier, from O.Fr. limite a boundary, from L. limitem (nom. limes) a boundary, limit, border, embankment between fields, related to limen threshold. Originally of territory; general sense from early 15c.… … Etymology dictionary
limit — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Boundary Nouns limit, boundary, bounds, confines; curbstone, term, edge; compass; bourne, verge, pale; termination, terminus, end, terminal, extremity; stint; frontier, precinct, border, marches,… … English dictionary for students
limit — /ˈlɪmət / (say limuht) noun 1. the final or furthest bound or point as to extent, amount, continuance, procedure, etc.: the limit of vision. 2. a boundary or bound, as of a country, tract, district, etc. 3. Obsolete an area or region within… …
fix — Synonyms and related words: KO, acclimate, acclimatize, accommodate, accord, accustom, adapt, adjust, adjust to, affix, afford proof of, aim, aim at, align, allocate, allot, alter, amend, anchor, annex, antitoxin, apportion, approach, arrange,… … Moby Thesaurus
limit — Synonyms and related words: Thule, Ultima Thule, abate, accommodation, acme, adjust to, all, alter, apex, apogee, appoint, area, assign, assuage, bar, be into, be strong in, bitter end, border, border line, bottom dollar, bound, boundary,… … Moby Thesaurus