- adequate security
- достаточное обеспечение (долга)
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
adequate notice — noun ample notice, commensurate notice, fair notice, good notice, satisfactory notice, sufficient notice, suitable notice, valid notice associated concepts: adequate care, adequate compensation, adequate remedy at law, adequate security Burton s… … Law dictionary
security — se|cu|ri|ty W1 [sıˈkjuərıti US ˈkjur ] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(protection from danger)¦ 2¦(protection from bad situations)¦ 3¦(guards)¦ 4¦(borrowing money)¦ 5 securities ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1.) ¦(PROTECTION FROM DANGER)¦[U] things that are done to keep a person,… … Dictionary of contemporary English
adequate consideration — see consideration Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. adequate consideration … Law dictionary
Security theater — consists of security countermeasures intended to provide the feeling of improved security while doing little or nothing to actually improve security. [cite book last = Schneier first = Bruce authorlink = Bruce Schneier title = Beyond Fear:… … Wikipedia
Security lighting — In the field of physical security, security lighting is often used as a preventative and corrective measure against intrusions or other criminal activity on a physical piece of property. Security lighting may be provided to aid in the detection… … Wikipedia
Air Force Security Forces — AFSC Enlisted: 3P0X1, Officer: 31PX) (formerly named Air Police, then Security Police; colloquially called cops by USAF personnel), are the military police of the United States Air Force. Airmen in this field go through 13 weeks of initial… … Wikipedia
Maritime security (USCG) — Contents 1 Legal Background 2 Port Security 3 Vessel Security 4 … Wikipedia
National Special Security Event — Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano (center) at a security news conference for Super Bowl XLIV, on February 1, 2010 A National Special Security Event (NSSE) is an event of national or international significance deemed by the United… … Wikipedia
Maritime Security (USCG) — Maritime Security is concerned with the prevention of intentional damage through sabotage, subversion, or terrorism. The Maritime Security mission of the United States Coast Guard has gradually developed in response to a series of catastrophic… … Wikipedia
2006 transatlantic aircraft plot security reaction — This article details the security reaction to the 2006 alleged transatlantic aircraft plot.United KingdomFollowing the raids, the terror alert level was raised by Britain s Joint Terrorist Analysis Centre from severe to critical , signalling an… … Wikipedia
National security — Security measures taken to protect the Houses of Parliament in London, UK. These heavy blocks of concrete are designed to prevent a car bomb or other device being rammed into the building. National security is the requirement to maintain the… … Wikipedia