- factory
- ˈfæktərɪфабрика, завод, предприятие
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
factory — fac‧to‧ry [ˈfæktri] noun factories PLURALFORM [countable] MANUFACTURING a large building or group of buildings where goods are made, using large industrial machinery and usually employing many people: • The owner wouldn t comment on the factory… … Financial and business terms
Factory 81 — was a nu metal/Rapcore music group from Detroit, MI, USA formed in 1997. The band is now disbanded as of December 2003.The band s members consisted of: *Nathan Wallace (vocals) *Bill Schultz (guitar) *Kevin Lewis (bass) *Andy Cyrulnik… … Wikipedia
Factory 81 — Pays d’origine États Unis Genre musical Hardcore punk Nu Metal Metal alternatif Années … Wikipédia en Français
Factory — Fac to*ry, n.; pl. {Factories} ( r[i^]z). [Cf. F. factorerie.] 1. A house or place where factors, or commercial agents, reside, to transact business for their employers. The Company s factory at Madras. Burke. [1913 Webster] 2. The body of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Factory — (englisch ‚Fabrik‘) steht für: The Factory, das Studio von Andy Warhol Factory Records, ein Independent Plattenlabel Abstract Factory, ein Entwurfsmuster im Bereich der Softwareentwicklung Siehe auch Factory Creek … Deutsch Wikipedia
factory — 1550s, estate manager s office, from M.Fr. factorie, from L.L. factorium office for agents (factors), also oil press, mill, from L. factor doer, maker (see FACTOR (Cf. factor)). Sense of building for making goods is first attested 1610s. Factory… … Etymology dictionary
Factory 2-U — is a chain of department stores that are located mostly in the Western United States selling clothing, domestics, and merchandise, founded in 1962, originally private owned. They have 6000 employees with more than 10 stores. and have stores in… … Wikipedia
factory — system … Dictionary of sociology
factory — [n] manufacturing plant branch, cooperative, firm, forge, foundry, industry, laboratory, machine shop, manufactory, mill, mint, salt mines*, shop, sweatshop*, warehouse, workroom, works, workshop; concepts 439,441,449 … New thesaurus
factory — ► NOUN (pl. factories) ▪ a building where goods are manufactured or assembled chiefly by machine. ORIGIN Latin factorium oil press … English terms dictionary
factory — [fak′tə rē; ] often [ fak′trē] n. pl. factories [Fr factorie < facteur: see FACTOR] 1. a building or buildings in which things are manufactured; manufacturing plant 2. [< Port feitoria] a trading settlement maintained by factors … English World dictionary