- exportable production
- экспортные ресурсы (производство минус внутреннее потребление)
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
World Green Coffee Production, Table — ▪ 1999 Table VIII. World Green Coffee Production In 000,000 60 kg bags Region and country 1996 97 1997 981 1998 992 North America 19.3 18.7 18.4 Costa Rica 2.4 2.4 2.2 El Salvador 2.5 2.0 2.0 Guatemala 4.1… … Universalium
World Green Coffee Production, Table 1 — ▪ Table Table VIII. World Green Coffee Production In 000,000 60 kg bags Region and country 1994–95 1995–961 1996–972 North America 17.2 18.2 18.5 Costa Rica 2.5 2.6 2.6 El… … Universalium
World Green Coffee Production, Table 2 — ▪ Table In 000 60 kg bags Region and country 1993 94 1994 95{1} 1995 96{2} North America 16,679 17,248 18,423 Costa Rica 2,475 2,492 2,500 El Salvador 2,361 2,314 2,425 Guatemala 3,078 3,500 3,622 Honduras 2,050 2,295 2,400 Mexico 4,200 4,030… … Universalium
World Green Coffee Production, Table 3 — ▪ Table Table VIII. World Green Coffee Production In 000,000 60 kg bags Region and country 1995 96 1996 971 1997 982 North America 19.5 19.8 20.7 Costa Rica 2.6 2.3 2.4 El Salvador 2.3 2.4 2.6 Guatemala 3.8 4 … Universalium
World Green Coffee Production, Table 4 — ▪ Table In 000 60 kg bags Region and country 1992 93 1993 94{1} 1994 95{2} North America 17,874 16,582 16,926 Costa Rica 2,620 2,475 2,300 El Salvador 2,894 2,115 2,520 Guatemala 3,584 3,078 3,027 Honduras 1,981 2,060 2,060 Mexic … Universalium
Agriculture and Food Supplies — ▪ 2007 Introduction Bird flu reached Europe and Africa, and concerns over BSE continued to disrupt trade in beef. An international vault for seeds was under construction on an Arctic island. Stocks of important food fish species were reported… … Universalium
Uganda — Ugandan, adj., n. /yooh gan deuh, ooh gahn /, n. an independent state in E Africa, between the NE Democratic Republic of the Congo and Kenya: member of the Commonwealth of Nations; formerly a British protectorate. 20,604,874; 91,065 sq. mi.… … Universalium
BIRMANIE — L’Union de Birmanie (ou Myanmar) compterait environ 42 millions d’habitants en 1991, répartis sur une superficie de 678 000 kilomètres carrés. Son territoire s’allonge, du nord au sud, sur 1 900 km, mais sa largeur n’excède pas 900 km. La région… … Encyclopédie Universelle
exporter — [ ɛkspɔrte ] v. tr. <conjug. : 1> • 1750; d apr. angl. to export « porter au dehors, emporter » (XIVe); « emporter » 1314; lat. exportare ♦ Envoyer et vendre hors d un pays (des produits de l économie nationale). Pays en voie de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Sujói Su-30 — Este artículo o sección necesita una revisión de ortografía y gramática. Puedes colaborar editándolo (lee aquí sugerencias para mejorar tu ortografía). Cuando se haya corregido, borra este aviso por favor … Wikipedia Español
Agricultural history of Peru — Much of the pre history of Peru has been wrapped up in where the farmable land was located. The most populated coastal regions of Peru are the two parallel mountain ranges and the series of 20 to 30 rivers running through the coastal desert. In… … Wikipedia