- export-import bank
- Экспортно-импортный банк
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Export-Import Bank — Abbr Ex Im Bank The U.S. federal government agency that extends trade credits to U.S. companies to facilitate the financing of U.S. exports. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * Export Import Bank Export Import Bank ➔ bank1 * * * Export Import… … Financial and business terms
Export-Import Bank of the United States — Staatliche Ebene Bund Stellung der Behörde Unabhängige Behörde … Deutsch Wikipedia
Export-Import Bank of the United States — [ ekspɔːt ɪmpɔːt bæȖk ɔf ȓɪ ju naɪtɪd steɪts, englisch], Abkürzung Eximbank [ eksɪmbæȖk, englisch], 1934 im Zug des New Deal gegründetes, zunächst staatlich unabhängiges Kreditinstitut zur Förderung des Außenhandels, 1945 reorganisiert; Sitz:… … Universal-Lexikon
Export-Import Bank of the United States — Infobox Government agency agency name = Export Import Bank of the United States seal width = 140px formed = February 2, 1934 headquarters = Washington, D.C. employees = 395 (2006) budget = chief1 name = James H. Lambright chief1 position =… … Wikipedia
Export-Import Bank of the United States — ▪ United States government agency byname Ex Im Bank one of the principal agencies of the U.S. government in international finance, originally incorporated as the Export Import Bank of Washington on February 12, 1934, to assist in… … Universalium
Export-Import Bank of the United States — Eximbank L Eximbank (Export Import Bank of the United States : « Banque d import export des États Unis ») est une agence de crédit aux exportations américaine. Son objectif est de soutenir et d encourager les exportations de… … Wikipédia en Français
Export-Import Bank of Romania — Infobox Company company name = Exim Bank company company type = Public company slogan = foundation = 1991 location = Bucharest, Romania key people = num employees = industry = Finance and Insurance revenue = products = Financial Services homepage … Wikipedia
Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) — One of the principal U.S. government agencies in international finance. Originally incorporated as the Export Import Bank of Washington in 1934, its goal is to help finance U.S. exports, principally by lending money to foreign buyers of U.S.… … Universalium
Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) — Uno de los principales organismos gubernamentales de EE.UU. en el ámbito de las finanzas internacionales. Se constituyó originalmente en 1934 como el Export Import Bank de Washington. Su objetivo es contribuir a financiar las exportaciones… … Enciclopedia Universal
Export-Import Bank — Eximbank A US bank established by the US government to foster trade with the USA. It provides export credit guarantees and guarantees loans made by commercial banks to US exporters … Big dictionary of business and management
Export-Import Bank — /ek spawrt im pawrt, ek spohrt im pohrt/ a U.S. federal bank, established in 1934, that is authorized, in the interest of promoting foreign trade, to make loans to foreign governments and commercial enterprises, with the provision that such funds … Universalium