- action research
- исслед.в целях выработки мер
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Action research — is a reflective process of progressive problem solving led by individuals working with others in teams or as part of a community of practice to improve the way they address issues and solve problems. Action research can also be undertaken by… … Wikipedia
ACTION-RESEARCH — Sous l’influence conjointe de la psychanalyse et de la critique expérimentale poursuivie par Heisenberg dans le domaine de la microphysique, Kurt Lewin, entre 1942 et 1946, a caractérisé par l’expression action research l’intime solidarité de la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
action research — ● action research nom féminin Synonyme de recherche action. ● action research (synonymes) nom féminin Synonymes : recherche action … Encyclopédie Universelle
action research — ˈaction research 7 [action research] noun uncountable studies done to improve the working methods of people who do a particular job or activity, especially in education … Useful english dictionary
Action-Research — Handlungsforschung … Universal-Lexikon
Action research — Die in den Sozialwissenschaften gebräuchlichen Begriffe Handlungs , Aktions , und Tatforschung sind synonyme Übersetzungen des von Kurt Lewin geprägten Begriffs action research[1][2]. Er wollte als Kritik an einer rein experimentellen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
action research — Disciplined inquiry based research conducted by educational practitioners that follows a process of examining practices, implementing interventions, and evaluating results, leading to an improvement cycle benefiting students and practitioners … Glossary of Art Terms
action research — A type of research in which the researcher is also a change agent, often used in local communities or by consultants working in companies, as part of the change process itself. The research subjects are invited to participate at various stages of … Dictionary of sociology
action-research — noun : the use of techniques of social and psychological research to identify social problems in a group or community coupled with active participation of the investigators in group efforts to solve these problems … Useful english dictionary
Participatory action research — Action Research or Participatory action research has emerged in recent years as a significant methodology for intervention, development and change within communities and groups. It is now promoted and implemented by many international development … Wikipedia
Action-Research — Ac|tion Re|search, auch Ac|tion|re|search [...risətʃ] das; [s], s: sozialwissenschaftliches Forschungsprogramm mit dem Ziel, eine Änderung der bestehenden sozialen Verhältnisse herbeizuführen (Soziol.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch