- excise duty
- акциз (вид косвенного налога на товары)
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
excise duty — A UK duty charged on both UK produced and imported goods. Goods subject to excise duty include beer, wine, spirits and other alcoholic drinks; hydrocarbon oils (including fuel oil)}}; and tobacco goods. The rate of duty is set separately for each … Financial and business terms
excise duty suspension arrangement — akcizų mokėjimo laikino atidėjimo režimas statusas Aprobuotas sritis mokesčiai apibrėžtis Apmokestinimo režimas, kai akcizais apmokestinamos prekės, kurioms netaikoma sąlyginio neapmokestinimo muitinės procedūra arba kita priemonė, kaip jos… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
excise duty — A duty or tax levied on certain goods, such as alcoholic drinks and tobacco products, that are consumed within the country of origin, unlike customs duty, which is levied on imports. In the UK, both excise and customs duties are collected by the… … Accounting dictionary
excise duty — A duty or tax levied on certain goods consumed within a country, such as alcoholic drinks and tobacco products, unlike customs duty, which is levied on imports. In the UK, both excise and customs duties are collected by the Board of Customs and… … Big dictionary of business and management
excise duty — / eksaɪz ˌdju:ti/ noun a tax on goods such as alcohol and petrol which are produced in the country … Marketing dictionary in english
excise duty — / eksaɪz ˌdju:ti/ noun a tax on goods such as alcohol and petrol which are produced in the country … Dictionary of banking and finance
Vehicle excise duty — (VED) is a British excise duty, which has to be paid to acquire a vehicle licence for most types of motor vehicle. A vehicle licence is usually required if a vehicle is to be legally used on the public roads. The tax, rarely if ever known by its… … Wikipedia
goods subject to excise duty — akcizais apmokestinamos prekės statusas Aprobuotas sritis mokesčiai apibrėžtis Etilo alkoholis ir alkoholiniai gėrimai, apdorotas tabakas ir energiniai produktai, nurodyti Lietuvos Respublikos akcizų įstatyme, išskyrus Europos Sąjungos… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
vehicle excise duty — noun A tax payable on motor vehicles • • • Main Entry: ↑vehicle … Useful english dictionary
Excise — or Excise tax (sometimes called an excise duty), is a type of tax charged on goods produced within the country (as opposed to customs duties, charged on goods from outside the country).Typical examples of excise duties are taxes on tobacco,… … Wikipedia
Excise tax in the United States — Excise tax, sometimes called an excise duty, is a type of tax. In the United States, the term excise means: (A) any tax other than a property tax or capitation (i.e., an indirect tax, or excise, in the constitutional law sense), or (B) a tax that … Wikipedia