- emergency communication
- аварийная связь
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Directorate for Emergency Communication — established 1st of April 2007, is responsible for the development of the new, digital public safety radio network (Nødnett) in Norway, and the administration of the network after completion. A common, digital communication network for emergency… … Wikipedia
Communication during the September 11 attacks — Communication problems and successes played an important role in the September 11, 2001 attacks and their aftermath. Contents 1 Attackers 2 Federal government 3 First responders 4 Victims … Wikipedia
communication — n. 1 a the act of imparting, esp. news. b an instance of this. c the information etc. communicated. 2 a means of connecting different places, such as a door, passage, road, or railway. 3 social intercourse (it was difficult to maintain… … Useful english dictionary
emergency cord — noun (C) a chain that a passenger pulls to stop a train in an emergency; communication cord BrE … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Emergency warning system for vehicles — Telematics technologies are self orientating open network architecture structure of variable programmable intelligent beacons developed for application in the development of intelligent vehicles with target intent to accord (blend, or mesh)… … Wikipedia
communication cord — noun A cord in the wall or ceiling of a railway train which can be pulled in an emergency to stop the train • • • Main Entry: ↑communicate * * * communication cord UK US noun [countable] [singular communication cord … Useful english dictionary
Emergency service — Emergency services are organizations which ensure public safety by addressing different emergencies. Some agencies exist solely for addressing certain types of emergencies whilst others deal with ad hoc emergencies as part of their normal… … Wikipedia
Emergency power system — Emergency power systems are a type of system, which may include lighting, generators and other apparatus, to provide backup resources in a crisis or when regular systems fail. They find uses in a wide variety of settings from residential homes to … Wikipedia
communication cord — ► NOUN Brit. ▪ a cord or chain which a train passenger may pull in an emergency, causing the train to brake … English terms dictionary
Emergency management — Accident preparedness redirects here. For Safety related articles, see Safety. Disaster preparedness redirects here. For other articles related to disaster preparedness, see Category:Disaster preparedness. Emergency management is the generic name … Wikipedia
Emergency brake (train) — This article is about emergency brakes on trains. For emergency brakes in cars, see hand brake. Driver s brake handle in a UK Electric Multiple Unit On trains, the expression emergency brake has several meanings: The maximum brake force available … Wikipedia