- easy terms
- выгодные условия, льготные условия
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
easy terms — UK US noun [plural] ► COMMERCE a way of paying for something with a series of small payments: »Families on low incomes opt to pay using easy terms a TV for a small amount each a week. ► FINANCE a way of borrowing money at a low interest rate:… … Financial and business terms
easy terms — plural noun A phrase used in describing a hire purchase agreement to imply or emphasize that the payments will not be a burden to the customer • • • Main Entry: ↑easy * * * easy terms UK US noun [plural] business british a way of paying for… … Useful english dictionary
easy terms — /ˌi:zi tɜ:mz/ plural noun financial terms which are not difficult to accept ● The shop is let on very easy terms … Marketing dictionary in english
easy terms — /ˌi:zi tɜ:mz/ plural noun financial terms which are not difficult to accept ● The shop is let on very easy terms … Dictionary of banking and finance
easy terms — hire purchase The use is so widespread that we no longer address our minds to the reality that everything involved in such a transaction is more expensive and difficult, except the size of the initial payment … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
easy terms — UK / US noun [plural] business British a way of paying for something that involves making several payments over a period of time … English dictionary
easy — [ē′zē] adj. easier, easiest [ME esi < OFr aisé, pp. of aisier (& aasié, pp. of aaisier < a + aisier) < aise: see EASE] 1. that can be done, got, mastered, endured, etc. with ease; not difficult; not exacting 2. free from trouble, anxiety … English World dictionary
loan on easy terms — loan that is easy to repay … English contemporary dictionary
easy — eas|y1 W1S1 [ˈi:zi] adj comparative easier superlative easiest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(not difficult)¦ 2¦(comfortable)¦ 3¦(not worried)¦ 4¦(friendly)¦ 5¦(easily attacked)¦ 6 take the easy way out 7 have an easy time (of it) … Dictionary of contemporary English
EASy — See Exchange Access System LIFFE * * * easy eas‧y [ˈiːzi] adjective 1. ( on) easy terms if you buy something on easy terms, you pay for it with several small payments, rather than paying the whole amount at once: • Farmers can obtain credit on… … Financial and business terms
easy — 1 / i:zi/ adjective 1 NOT DIFFICULT not difficult, and not needing much physical or mental effort: The easiest way to get there is through the park. | It can t have been easy raising three children all by herself. | easy to make/build/do etc: Are … Longman dictionary of contemporary English