downward adjustment

downward adjustment
понижение цены

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "downward adjustment" в других словарях:

  • downward adjustment —    a devaluation or an economic depression    The phrase attempts to lull fears by implying that events are still under control:     ... the worst America has to endure is a downward adjustment of the economy . (Jennings, 1965, noting the… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement — The Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) was entered in November 1998, originally between the four largest US tobacco companies and the attorneys general of 46 states. The states settled their Medicaid lawsuits against the tobacco industry… …   Wikipedia

  • brazil — /breuh zil /, n. brazilwood. [1350 1400; ME brasile < ML < It < Sp brasil, deriv. of brasa live coal (the wood being red in color) < Gmc; see BRAISE] * * * Brazil Introduction Brazil Background: Following three centuries under the rule of… …   Universalium

  • Brazil — Brazilian /breuh zil yeuhn/, adj., n. /breuh zil /, n. a republic in South America. 164,511,366; 3,286,170 sq. mi. (8,511,180 sq. km). Cap.: Brasília. Portuguese and Spanish, Brasil. Official name, Federative Republic of Brazil. * * * Brazil… …   Universalium

  • Computers and Information Systems — ▪ 2009 Introduction Smartphone: The New Computer.       The market for the smartphone in reality a handheld computer for Web browsing, e mail, music, and video that was integrated with a cellular telephone continued to grow in 2008. According to… …   Universalium

  • Comparables — (or comps) is a real estate appraisal term referring to properties with characteristics that are similar to a subject property whose value is being sought. This can be accomplished either by a real estate agent who attempts to establish the value …   Wikipedia

  • escalator — I. noun Etymology: from Escalator, a trademark Date: 1900 1. a. a power driven set of stairs arranged like an endless belt that ascend or descend continuously b. an upward course suggestive of an escalator < a never stopping escalator of economic …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Compound bow — A Browning Compound Bow A compound bow is a modern bow that uses a levering system, usually of cables and pulleys, to bend the limbs. The limbs of a compound bow are much stiffer than those of a recurve bow or longbow. This limb stiffness makes… …   Wikipedia

  • Wisconsin Tornado Outbreak of August 2005 — Infobox tornado outbreak name=Wisconsin Tornado Outbreak of August 2005 image location = Stoughton Tornado.jpg date=August 18, 2005 duration=8 hours, 40 minutes fujitascale=F3 tornadoes=28 confirmed total damages (USD)=$42.537 million total… …   Wikipedia

  • whaling — /hway ling, way /, n. the work or industry of capturing and rendering whales; whale fishing. [1680 90; WHALE1 + ING1] * * * Hunting of whales for food, oil, or both. Whaling dates to prehistoric times, when Arctic peoples used stone tools to hunt …   Universalium

  • sentence — sen·tence 1 / sent əns, ənz/ n [Old French, opinion, judicial sentence, from Latin sententia, ultimately from sentire to feel, think, express an opinion] 1: a judgment formally pronouncing the punishment to be inflicted on one convicted of a… …   Law dictionary

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