- discrimination
- dɪsˌkrɪmɪˈneɪʃənдискриминация, ограничение в правах
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
discrimination — [ diskriminasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1870; lat. discriminatio « séparation » 1 ♦ Psychol. Action de distinguer l un de l autre (des objets de pensée concrets). ⇒ distinction. Littér. Action de discerner, de distinguer les choses les unes des autres avec… … Encyclopédie Universelle
discrimination — di‧scrim‧i‧na‧tion [dɪˌskrɪmˈneɪʆn] noun [uncountable] 1. ECONOMICS the process of treating one market, country, type of product etc differently from another: • the discrimination in favour of imported wine when it comes to excise duty ˈprice… … Financial and business terms
discrimination — I (bigotry) noun bias, blind zeal, class prejudice, favoritism, illiberality, intolerance, opinionativeness, preference, prejudice, race hatred, race prejudice, racialism, racism, unfairness, want of forbearance associated concepts: blacklist,… … Law dictionary
DISCRIMINATION — DISCRIMINATION, distinguishing between people on the basis of the group to which the person belongs rather than individual characteristics. With rare exceptions, contemporary forms of discrimination against Jews were not based upon the type of… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Discrimination — Dis*crim i*na tion, n. [L. discriminatio the contrasting of opposite thoughts.] 1. The act of discriminating, distinguishing, or noting and marking differences. [1913 Webster] To make an anxious discrimination between the miracle absolute and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
discrimination — 1640s, the making of distinctions, from L.L. discriminationem (nom. discriminatio), noun of action from pp. stem of discriminare (see DISCRIMINATE (Cf. discriminate)). Especially in a prejudicial way, based on race, 1866, Amer.Eng. Meaning… … Etymology dictionary
discrimination — [n1] bias bigotry, favoritism, hatred, inequity, injustice, intolerance, partiality, prejudice, unfairness, wrong; concepts 29,689 Ant. fairness, tolerance discrimination [n2] particularity in taste acumen, acuteness, astucity, astuteness, bias,… … New thesaurus
discrimination — penetration, insight, *discernment, perception, acumen Analogous words: wisdom, judgment, *sense: subtlety, logicalness or logic (see corresponding adjectives at LOGICAL) Contrasted words: crassness, density, dullness, slowness, stupidity (see… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
discrimination — ► NOUN 1) the action of discriminating against people. 2) recognition of the difference between one thing and another. 3) good judgement or taste … English terms dictionary
discrimination — [di skrim΄i nā′shən] n. [L discriminatio] 1. the act of discriminating, or distinguishing differences 2. the ability to make or perceive distinctions; perception; discernment 3. a) partiality, or bias, in the treatment of a person or group, which … English World dictionary
Discrimination — This article focuses on discrimination in sociology, not statistical discrimination. For other uses of the term, see the entry for discrimination at Wiktionary. Part of a series on … Wikipedia