- desegregate
- уничтожать сегрегацию
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
desegregate — de·seg·re·gate /dē se grə ˌgāt/ vt gat·ed, gat·ing: to eliminate segregation in; specif: to free from any law, provision, or practice requiring isolation of the members of a particular race in separate units vi: to become desegregated Merriam… … Law dictionary
desegregate — de*seg re*gate v. t. to eliminate laws, regulations, or customs which prohibit members of a specific racial or national group from using (certain locations, organizations, or facilities); to introduce members of a racial or religious group into… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
desegregate — 1948, back formation from DESEGREGATION (Cf. desegregation). Related: Desegregated; desegregating … Etymology dictionary
desegregate — [v] eliminate segregation abolish segregation, commingle, give equal access, integrate, open, unify; concepts 113,114 … New thesaurus
desegregate — ► VERB ▪ end a policy of racial segregation in. DERIVATIVES desegregation noun … English terms dictionary
desegregate — [dē seg′rə gāt΄] vt., vi. desegregated, desegregating to abolish the segregation of races in (public schools, etc.) desegregation n … English World dictionary
desegregate — [[t]di͟ːse̱grɪgeɪt[/t]] desegregates, desegregating, desegregated VERB To desegregate something such as a place, institution, or service means to officially stop keeping the people who use it in separate groups, especially groups that are defined … English dictionary
desegregate — /dee seg ri gayt /, v., desegregated, desegregating. v.t. 1. to eliminate racial segregation in: to desegregate all schools. v.i. 2. to eliminate racial segregation. [1950 55; DE + SEGREGATE] * * * … Universalium
desegregate — de•seg•re•gate [[t]diˈsɛg rɪˌgeɪt[/t]] v. gat•ed, gat•ing 1) soc to eliminate racial or other segregation in: to desegregate schools[/ex] 2) soc to eliminate racial or other segregation • Etymology: 1950–55 de seg•re•ga′tion, n. de… … From formal English to slang
desegregate — verb Date: 1944 transitive verb to eliminate segregation in; specifically to free of any law, provision, or practice requiring isolation of the members of a particular race in separate units intransitive verb to become desegregated … New Collegiate Dictionary
desegregate — verb To remove segregation by allowing access to something by people of all races or ethnicity … Wiktionary