- deforestation
- обезлесение, вырубка леса
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Déforestation — par brûlis, pour mise en culture, Sud Mexique Image … Wikipédia en Français
Deforestation — Déforestation Déforestation par brûlis, pour mise en culture, Sud Mexique … Wikipédia en Français
déforestation — [ defɔrɛstasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1877; angl. amér. deforestation ♦ Péj. Action de détruire une forêt; son résultat. La déforestation de l Amazonie (⇒ déboisement) . On dit aussi DÉFORESTAGE . V. tr. <conjug. : 1> DÉFORESTER , 1989 . ⊗ CONTR.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
deforestation — 1884, from DEFOREST (Cf. deforest) + ATION (Cf. ation). Earlier was deforesting (1530s) which was a legal term for the change in definition of a parcel of land from forest to something else … Etymology dictionary
deforestation — [n] clear cutting denuding, desertification, erosion, logging; concepts 252,257,698 … New thesaurus
Deforestation — For other uses, see Deforestation (disambiguation). Jungle burned for agriculture in southern Mexico … Wikipedia
deforestation — See deforest. * * * Process of clearing forests. Rates of deforestation are particularly high in the tropics, where the poor quality of the soil has led to the practice of routine clear cutting to make new soil available for agricultural use.… … Universalium
deforestation — /diˌfɒrəstˈeɪʃən/ (say dee.foruhst ayshuhn) noun the permanent removal of forests or trees from a large area, usually for commercial purposes. The environmental damage that can be caused by deforestation is graphically illustrated by the collapse …
déforestation — (entrée créée par le supplément) (dé fo rè sta sion) s. f. Action de détruire les forêts. Quelles sont les causes principales de ce terrible fléau de l ensablement en Boukharie ? la déforestation d abord.... Journ. offic. 5 juill. 1874, p. 4672,… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
deforestation — de|for|es|ta|tion [di:ˌfɔrıˈsteıʃən US ˌfo: , ˌfa: ] n [U] the cutting or burning down of all the trees in an area ▪ the deforestation of the tropics >deforest [di:ˈfɔrıst US ˈfo: , ˈfa: ] v [T usually passive] … Dictionary of contemporary English
deforestation — deforest ► VERB ▪ clear of forest or trees. DERIVATIVES deforestation noun … English terms dictionary