above the average

above the average
выше среднего

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "above the average" в других словарях:

  • above the average — index best Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • above the norm — exceeding the average, beyond what is normally observed …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Metres above the Adriatic — The Adriatic datum Metres above the Adriatic (German: Meter über Adria)[1] is an elevation reference system used in Austria and some other European countries based on the average water level of the Adriatic Sea at the Molo Sartorio in Triest… …   Wikipedia

  • Metres above the Sea (Switzerland) — The Pierres du Niton in Geneva harbour Metres above the Sea (German: Meter über Meer (m ü. M.)) is the elevation reference system used in Switzerland. Both the system and the term are also used in the Principality of Liechtenstein.[1] …   Wikipedia

  • average — n Average, mean, median, norm, par denote something and usually a number, a quantity, or a condition that represents a middle point between extremes. Of these words average, mean, median, and par are also used as adjectives. Average is an… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Guess 2/3 of the average — In game theory, Guess 2/3 of the average is a game where several people guess what 2/3 of the average of their guesses will be, and where the numbers are restricted to the real numbers between 0 and 100. The winner is the one closest to the 2/3… …   Wikipedia

  • average — [av′ər ij, av′rij] n. [altered (by assoc. with ME average, money rent paid in place of service by the tenant with his horses < aver, draft horse) < OFr avarie, damage to ship or goods, mooring charges < OIt avaria < Ar ʿ awār, damaged …   English World dictionary

  • above — above, over are synonymous prepositions when they indicate elevation in position. They seldom imply contact between that which is higher and that which is lower; as a rule they allow an interval. Over and above differ in that over usually implies …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • above — [ə buv′] adv. [ME above(n) < OE abūfan, onbūfan, overhead, above < on , intens. + bufan < be, BY + ufan, over, on high] 1. in, at, or to a higher place; overhead; up 2. in or to heaven 3. at a previous place (in a piece of writing):… …   English World dictionary

  • The RETEC Group — was an American environmental management consulting and engineering firm. The company provided services in the environmental and business sectors, including transportation, manufacturing, oil and gas, government, and electric utility.… …   Wikipedia

  • average — I. noun Etymology: from earlier average proportionally distributed charge for damage at sea, modification of Middle French avarie damage to ship or cargo, from Old Italian avaria, from Arabic ‘awārīya damaged merchandise Date: 1732 1. a. a single …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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