- day-labourer
- ˈdeɪˌleɪbərəподенщик
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
day labourer — UK US UK (US day laborer) noun [C] HR ► a person who is employed for one day at a time: »There are 24,000 day labourers in Los Angeles, according to research, more than in any other US city … Financial and business terms
day labourer — (Brit.) n. person who works by the day and is paid by the day (generally an unskilled worker), also spelled day laborer … English contemporary dictionary
day-labourer — dayˈ lāˈbourer noun • • • Main Entry: ↑day … Useful english dictionary
day labourer — noun a laborer who works by the day; for daily wages • Syn: ↑day laborer • Hypernyms: ↑laborer, ↑manual laborer, ↑labourer, ↑jack … Useful english dictionary
day labourer — noun an unskilled labourer paid by the day … English new terms dictionary
day labourer — /ˈdeɪ leɪbərə/ (say day laybuhruh) noun an unskilled worker paid by the day. Also, day laborer …
labourer — la‧bour‧er [ˈleɪbərə ǁ ər] , laborer noun [countable] JOBS someone whose job involves a lot of heavy physical work: • Nick found work as a laborer at a construction site. • a day laborer (= a worker who is hired for a day at a time ) … Financial and business terms
day laborer — (Amer.) n. person who works by the day and is paid by the day (generally an unskilled worker), also spelled day labourer … English contemporary dictionary
day labour — (Amer.) person who works by the day and is paid by the day (generally an unskilled worker), also spelled day labourer … English contemporary dictionary
Day — n. 1 the time between sunrise and sunset. 2 a a period of 24 hours as a unit of time, esp. from midnight to midnight, corresponding to a complete revolution of the earth on its axis. b a corresponding period on other planets (Martian day). 3… … Useful english dictionary
day — n. 1 the time between sunrise and sunset. 2 a a period of 24 hours as a unit of time, esp. from midnight to midnight, corresponding to a complete revolution of the earth on its axis. b a corresponding period on other planets (Martian day). 3… … Useful english dictionary