- Black Pool
- черный пул (Европейское объединение угля и стали)
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Black Pool — is a hot spring in the West Thumb Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park in the United States.The pool was cool enough up until 1991 for dark orange brown cyanobacteria to grow throughout the pool. When combined with the blue of the water, the … Wikipedia
Black pool — was a form of pocket billiards (pool) mainly played in the 19th century. It was one of several pool games that were popular at this time (so called because gamblers pooled their bets at the start of play). This game had fifteen Cuegloss|Red… … Wikipedia
pool — black·pool; cess·pool; liv·er·pool; liver·pool; pon·ty·pool; pool; van·pool·ing; … English syllables
black — black; black·a·moor; black·bird·er; black·burn; black·burn·ian; black·en; black·en·er; black·guard·ery; black·guard·ism; black·guard·ly; black·ie; black·ish; black·leg·gery; black·leg·ism; black·ly; black·neck; black·nob; black·pool; black·shop;… … English syllables
Black|pud|li|an — «bl PUHD lee uhn», adjective, noun. –adj. of or belonging to Blackpool, a city in northwestern England. –n. a native or inhabitant of Blackpool. ╂[< Black(pool) + (Liver)pudlian] … Useful english dictionary
Black Sheep (groupe) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Black Sheep. Black Sheep, duo composé de Andres Dres Titus and William Mista Lawnge McLeanest, un groupe de hip hop américain. Composante du collectif Native Tongues, incluant des formations comme Jungle Brothers … Wikipédia en Français
Black Hotel Rome (Rome) — Black Hotel Rome country: Italy, city: Rome (City: Aurelio) Black Hotel Rome An ideal place in the city of Rome, this stylish hotel offers a warm welcome, pleasant ambience and convenient facilities. Location Black Hotel is located in the suburbs … International hotels
Black Mountain Leisure and Conference Hotel — (Groothoek,Южно Африканская Республика) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель … Каталог отелей
Black River Sunset — (Блэк Ривер,Ямайка) Категория отеля: Адрес: Craine Drive, Блэк Ривер, Ямайка … Каталог отелей
Black Bear Cove Lodge — (Benton,США) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: 5842 Highway 30, Bento … Каталог отелей
Black Mango Resort — (Nāhan,Индия) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: Nahan Road, National Hig … Каталог отелей