Ways and Means Committee

Ways and Means Committee
(англ) палата общин, заседающая в качестве бюджетной комиссии, (амер) постоянная бюджетная комиссия конгресса США

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "Ways and Means Committee" в других словарях:

  • Ways and Means Committee — ˌWays and ˈMeans Comˌmittee noun ECONOMICS ORGANIZATIONS a group of people in the US government whose job is to find methods of raising money for the work that the government wants to do: • The Ways and Means committee will vote on the proposals… …   Financial and business terms

  • Ways and Means Committee — Ways and Means Com,mittee noun singular a committee of members of the U.S. House of Representatives that considers laws about money spent by the government …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Ways and Means Committee — Ways and Means Com|mit|tee a group of representatives in the government of a US state or in Congress who must find money for the government to spend …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • ways and means committee — A legislative committee the primary duty or which is the consideration of ways and means for raising revenue for the support of the government and the expenses incurred in the performance of its duties …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • the Ways and Means Committee — [the Ways and Means Committee] a permanent committee of members of the US ↑House of Representatives which makes suggestions about laws for raising money for the US government. It suggests new laws or changes to existing ones affecting things such …   Useful english dictionary

  • Ways and Means Committee — a permanent committee of members of the US House of Representatives which makes suggestions about laws for raising money for the US government. It suggests new laws or changes to existing ones affecting things such as taxes and trade agreements… …   Universalium

  • Ways and Means Committee — noun a permanent committee of the United States House of Representatives that makes recommendations to the US House on all bills that would raise revenue • Hypernyms: ↑standing committee …   Useful english dictionary

  • ways and means committee — n. permanent committee of the U.S. House of Representatives that recommends to said House on all bills that would raise income …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Ways and Means Committee — UK / US noun [singular] a committee of members of the US House of Representatives that considers laws about money spent by the government …   English dictionary

  • Committee of Ways and Means — ➔ Ways and Means Committee * * * Committee of Ways and Means UK US noun ► another name for WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE(Cf. ↑Ways and Means Committee) …   Financial and business terms

  • Committee on Ways and Means — Das Committee on Ways and Means (wörtlich „Mittel und Wege Komitee“) ist ein wichtiger Ausschuss des Repräsentantenhauses der Vereinigten Staaten. Seine sehr weit gefasste Zuständigkeit erstreckt sich nicht nur auf die Haushalts , Finanz und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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