constant return to scale

constant return to scale
неизмен(постоянная)норма прибыли при росте масштабов производства

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "constant return to scale" в других словарях:

  • law of constant return — a statement in economics: an increase of the scale of production in an industry gives a proportionate increase of return or the increase in area of land cultivated requires a proportionate increase in outlay for labor or materials …   Useful english dictionary

  • Returns to scale — In economics, returns to scale and economies of scale are related terms that describe what happens as the scale of production increases in the long run, when all input levels including physical capital usage are variable (chosen by the firm).… …   Wikipedia

  • Heckscher-Ohlin model — The Heckscher Ohlin model (H O model) is a general equilibrium mathematical model of international trade, developed by Eli Heckscher and Bertil Ohlin at the Stockholm School of Economics. It builds on David Ricardo s theory of comparative… …   Wikipedia

  • Endogenous growth theory — Development Economics …   Wikipedia

  • spectroscopy — spectroscopist /spek tros keuh pist/, n. /spek tros keuh pee, spek treuh skoh pee/, n. the science that deals with the use of the spectroscope and with spectrum analysis. [1865 70; SPECTRO + SCOPY] * * * Branch of analysis devoted to identifying… …   Universalium

  • Classical theory of growth and stagnation — Classical economics refers to work done by a group of economists in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The theories developed mainly focused on the way market economies functioned. Classical Economics study mainly concentrates on the… …   Wikipedia

  • distribution theory — ▪ economics Introduction       in economics, the systematic attempt to account for the sharing of the national income among the owners of the factors of production land, labour, and capital. Traditionally, economists have studied how the costs of …   Universalium

  • History of economic thought — The history of economic thought deals with different thinkers and theories in the field of political economy and economics from the ancient world to the present day. British philosopher Adam Smith is cited by many as the father of modern… …   Wikipedia

  • Arnold Harberger — Infobox Scientist image width = 150px name = Arnold Harberger birth date = Birth date and age|1924|7|27 birth place = Newark, New Jersey, U.S. death date = death place = residence = U.S. nationality = American field = Economics work institution …   Wikipedia

  • Exogenous growth model — The Exogenous growth model, also known as the Neo classical growth model or Solow growth model is a term used to sum up the contributions of various authors to a model of long run economic growth within the framework of neoclassical… …   Wikipedia

  • Solow residual — The Solow residual is a number describing empirical productivity growth in an economy from year to year and decade to decade. Robert Solow defined rising productivity as rising output with constant capital and labor input. It is a residual… …   Wikipedia

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