- close price
- окончательная цена
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
close-price — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ intransitive verb Etymology: close price : to limit prices so as to allow only a slight margin of profit especially through government negotiation with manufacturers when competition is not effective … Useful english dictionary
close price — The price of a share or commodity when the margin between the bid and offer prices is narrow … Big dictionary of business and management
close price — “ noun : a price in a stock exchange showing slight variation between bid and asked prices or between successive transactions … Useful english dictionary
Price Change — The difference in the cost of an asset or security from one period to another. While it can be computed for any length of time, the most commonly cited price change in the financial media is the daily price change , which is the change in the… … Investment dictionary
Price point — Price points are prices at which demand is relatively high. In introductory microeconomics, a demand curve is downward sloping to the right and either linear or gently convex to the origin. The first is usually true, but the second is only… … Wikipedia
Price and Volume Trend — (PVT) is a technical analysis indicator intended to relate price and volume in the stock market. PVT is based on a running total volume, with volume added according to the percentage change in closing price over the previous close. The formula is … Wikipedia
Price mechanism — is an economic term that refers to the buyers and sellers who negotiate prices of goods or services depending on demand and supply.[1] A price mechanism or market based mechanism refers to a wide variety of ways to match up buyers and sellers… … Wikipedia
close — close1 [klōs] adj. closer, closest [ME clos < OFr < L clausus, pp. of claudere (see CLOSE2); senses under II from notion “with spaces or intervals closed up”] I denoting the fact or state of being closed or confined 1. shut; not open 2.… … English World dictionary
close out — Parties to a futures contract are said to close out (or closeout) the contract when they eliminate their obligation to deliver or take delivery of the commodities or securities. By doing this they seek to end their exposure to changes in the… … Law dictionary
close easier — close/end/finish easier ► STOCK MARKET to be lower in price at the end of a period of time: »Tokyo stocks closed easier on profit taking. Main Entry: ↑easy … Financial and business terms
close/end/finish easier — ► STOCK MARKET to be lower in price at the end of a period of time: »Tokyo stocks closed easier on profit taking. Main Entry: ↑easy … Financial and business terms