- clear debts
- покрывать долги
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Clear — A trade is carried out by the seller delivering securities and the buyer delivering funds in proper form. A trade that does not clear is said to fail. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * clear clear [klɪə ǁ klɪr] verb [transitive] 1. to… … Financial and business terms
clear — The process by which a clearinghouse maintains records of all trades and settles margin flow on a daily mark to market basis for its clearing member. Chicago Board of Trade glossary The collection of funds on which a check is drawn and the… … Financial and business terms
clear — clear1 [ klır ] adjective *** ▸ 1 easy to understand ▸ 2 obvious ▸ 3 transparent ▸ 4 without clouds/rain etc. ▸ 5 easy to see ▸ 6 easy to hear ▸ 7 not blocked ▸ 8 eyes: bright and healthy ▸ 9 skin: healthy ▸ 10 not confused ▸ 11 without guilty… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
clear — I UK [klɪə(r)] / US [klɪr] adjective Word forms clear : adjective clear comparative clearer superlative clearest *** 1) obvious and impossible to doubt clear evidence: There was clear evidence putting him at the scene of the crime. a clear… … English dictionary
clear — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English clere, from Anglo French cler, from Latin clarus clear, bright; akin to Latin calare to call more at low Date: 13th century 1. a. bright, luminous b. cloudless; specifically less than one tenth covered … New Collegiate Dictionary
clear — adj 1. light, sunny, sunshiny; cloudless, fair, unclouded, fine, mild. 2. bright, shining, radiant, brilliant; illuminated, alight, lit, lighted; lambent, resplendent, beaming, ir radiant, lucent, luciferous; aglow, glowing, luminous, luminescent … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
clear of debts — free of debts, owing nothing, not indebted … English contemporary dictionary
clear residue — Addition of income from funds, used to pay decedent s debts, administration expenses, and general legacies, to residue of estate … Black's law dictionary
clear residue — Addition of income from funds, used to pay decedent s debts, administration expenses, and general legacies, to residue of estate … Black's law dictionary
Australian referendum, 1910 (State Debts) — The referendum of the 13 April, 1910 approved an amendment to the Australian constitution. Technically it was a vote on the Constitution Alteration (State Debts) Act, 1909, which after being approved in the referendum received the Royal Assent on … Wikipedia
Bankruptcy — Notice of closure attached to the door of a computer store the day after its parent company declared bankruptcy (strictly, put into administration see text) in the United Kingdom. Bankruptcy is a legal status of an insolvent person or an… … Wikipedia