claim attention

claim attention
требовать внимания

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "claim attention" в других словарях:

  • Attention economy — Attention economics is an approach to the management of information that treats human attention as a scarce commodity, and applies economic theory to solve various information management problems.HistoryHerbert Simon was perhaps the first person… …   Wikipedia

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder — Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder Classification and external resources Children with ADHD often find it difficult to do their schoolwork. ICD 10 F …   Wikipedia

  • claim — [klām] vt. [ME claimen < OFr claimer, to call, claim < L clamare, to cry out: see CLAMOR] 1. to demand or ask for as rightfully belonging or due to one; assert one s right to (a title, accomplishment, etc. that should be recognized) [to… …   English World dictionary

  • claim — ► VERB 1) state as being the case, without being able to give proof. 2) demand as one s due. 3) call for (someone s attention). 4) request (money) under the terms of an insurance policy. 5) cause the loss of (someone s life). ► NOUN 1) …   English terms dictionary

  • claim — claim1 [ kleım ] verb *** ▸ 1 say something is true ▸ 2 say something is yours ▸ 3 when something kills someone ▸ 4 need attention/time ▸ 5 win prize in sport 1. ) transitive to say that something is true, even though there is no definite proof:… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • claim — claim1 W1S1 [kleım] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(truth)¦ 2¦(money)¦ 3¦(legal right)¦ 4¦(death)¦ 5¦(attention)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: clamer, from Latin clamare to cry out, shout ] 1.) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • claim — [[t]kle͟ɪm[/t]] ♦ claims, claiming, claimed 1) VERB If you say that someone claims that something is true, you mean they say that it is true but you are not sure whether or not they are telling the truth. [V that] He claimed that it was all a… …   English dictionary

  • claim */*/*/ — I UK [kleɪm] / US verb Word forms claim : present tense I/you/we/they claim he/she/it claims present participle claiming past tense claimed past participle claimed 1) a) [transitive] to say that something is true, even though there is no definite …   English dictionary

  • claim — 1 /kleIm/ verb 1 (T) to state that something is true, even though it has not been proved: claim (that): Gascoigne claimed he d been dining with friends at the time of the murder. | claim to be: She claims to be a descendant of Charles Dickens. |… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Attention — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Attention >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 attention attention Sgm: N 1 mindfulness mindfulness &c. >Adj. Sgm: N 1 intentness intentness intentiveness Sgm: N 1 alertness alertness Sgm: N 1 thought …   English dictionary for students

  • claim*/*/*/ — [kleɪm] verb I 1) [T] to say that something is true, even though there is no definite proof He claims he is innocent.[/ex] The organization claims to represent more than 20, 000 firms.[/ex] 2) [I/T] to ask for something that belongs to you, or to …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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