civil liberties

civil liberties
гражданские свободы (права)

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "civil liberties" в других словарях:

  • civil liberties — n. Personal rights and immunities from government oppression established and guaranteed by the Constitution, including freedom of speech and freedom of association; natural liberties that cannot be limited by the government. See also civil rights …   Law dictionary

  • civil liberties — n. liberties guaranteed to all individuals by law, custom, judicial interpretation, etc.; rights, as of speaking or acting as one likes, granted to citizens without governmental interference or restraint except as determined necessary for the… …   Universalium

  • civil liberties — n. liberties guaranteed to all individuals by law, custom, judicial interpretation, etc.; rights, as of speaking or acting as one likes, granted to citizens without governmental interference or restraint except as determined necessary for the… …   English World dictionary

  • civil liberties — noun plural * the basic rights that all citizens have to do or say what they want, as long as they do not break the law or affect other people s rights …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • civil liberties — UK US noun [plural] the basic rights that all citizens have to do or say what they want, as long as they do not break the law or affect other people’s rights Thesaurus: law, laws and parts of lawshyponym …   Useful english dictionary

  • Civil liberties — Part of a series on Freedom Concepts …   Wikipedia

  • civil liberties — N PLURAL (The form civil liberty is used as a modifier.) A person s civil liberties are the rights they have to say, think, and do what they want as long as they respect other people s rights. ...his commitment to human rights and civil liberties …   English dictionary

  • civil liberties — Political liberties; the liberties of a member of society; the natural liberties of a person so far restrained by human laws as is necessary and expedient for the general welfare. Dennis v Moses, 18 Wash 537, 52 P 333; civil liberties, as… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • civil liberties — noun Civil liberties is used before these nouns: ↑violation …   Collocations dictionary

  • Civil liberties in the United Kingdom — have a long and formative history. This is usually considered to have begun with the English legal charter the Magna Carta of 1215, following its predecessor the English Charter of Liberties, a landmark document in English legal history. Judicial …   Wikipedia

  • Civil liberties in the United States — Civil liberties of the United States are certain inalienable rights retained by (as opposed to privileges granted to) citizens of the United States under the Constitution of the United States, as interpreted and clarified by the Supreme Court of… …   Wikipedia

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