- cheque to bearer
- чек, выписанный на предъявителя, предъявительский чек
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
cheque to bearer — /ˌtʃek tə beərə/ noun a cheque with no name written on it, so that the person who holds it can cash it … Dictionary of banking and finance
cheque — [tʆek] , check noun [countable] BANKING 1. a printed form that you use to pay for something instead of using money. You write on it the amount in words and numbers, the date, the person being paid, and sign your name: • a cheque for £200 … Financial and business terms
bearer cheque — ➔ cheque * * * bearer cheque UK US UK (US bearer check) noun [C] BANKING, FINANCE ► a cheque that is considered to be owned by the person who has it in their possession, rather than by a named person: »It is illegal to send bearer checks in the… … Financial and business terms
bearer paper — ➔ paper * * * bearer paper UK US noun [U] BANKING, FINANCE ► any document such as a bond, cheque, or share that is considered to be owned by the person who has it in their possession, rather than by a named person: »To qualify as a holder, a… … Financial and business terms
bearer — ► NOUN 1) a person or thing that carries something. 2) a person who presents a cheque or other order to pay money … English terms dictionary
Cheque — A Canadian cheque … Wikipedia
bearer — The holder of an instrument. American Banker Glossary also bearer form Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary The owner is not registered in the books of the issuer or of the registrar. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary See also… … Financial and business terms
cheque — /tʃek/ noun a note to a bank asking them to pay money from your account to the account of the person whose name is written on the note ● a cheque for £10 or a £10 cheque (NOTE: American English is usually check) ♦ cheque to the bearer a cheque… … Marketing dictionary in english
bearer — A person who presents for payment a cheque or bill of exchange marked ‘pay bearer’. As a bearer cheque or bill does not require endorsement it is considered a high risk form of transfer … Accounting dictionary
bearer — A person who presents for payment a cheque or bill of exchange marked «pay bearer». As a bearer cheque or bill does not require endorsement it is considered a high risk form of transfer … Big dictionary of business and management
bearer — / beərə/ noun a person who holds a cheque or certificate ♦ the cheque is payable to bearer the cheque will be paid to the person who holds it, not to any particular name written on it … Dictionary of banking and finance