- cease-fire
- прекращение огня
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Cease Fire! — was a movie made in 1953 by Owen Crump. The film featured real ammunition and real soldiers, and additionally was one of the first 3 D movies of its time. This movie was under heavy violation of fthe film code. A song written for the film by… … Wikipedia
cease-fire — cease′ fire′ n. 1) mil a cessation of hostilities; truce 2) mil an order issued for a cease fire • Etymology: 1840–50 … From formal English to slang
cease-fire — *truce, armistice, peace … New Dictionary of Synonyms
cease-fire — [n] stop in fighting armistice, suspension of hostilities, truce; concepts 230,298,684 … New thesaurus
cease-fire — [sēs′fīr′] n. a temporary cessation of warfare by mutual agreement of the participants; truce … English World dictionary
cease-fire — n. 1) to declare; sign; work out a cease fire 2) to honor, observe a cease fire 3) to break, violate a cease fire 4) a temporary cease fire 5) the cease fire has gone into effect … Combinatory dictionary
cease-fire — /sees fuyeur /, n. 1. a cessation of hostilities; truce. 2. Mil. an order issued for a cease fire. [1840 50; n. use of v. phrase cease fire] * * * ▪ international law a total cessation of armed hostilities, regulated by the same general… … Universalium
cease fire — {v.} To give a military command ordering soldiers to stop shooting. * / Cease fire! the captain cried, and the shooting stopped./ … Dictionary of American idioms
cease-fire — {n.} A period of negotiated nonaggression, when the warring parties involved promise not to attack. * /Unfortunately, the cease fire in Bosnia was broken many times by all parties concerned./ … Dictionary of American idioms
cease fire — {v.} To give a military command ordering soldiers to stop shooting. * / Cease fire! the captain cried, and the shooting stopped./ … Dictionary of American idioms
cease-fire — {n.} A period of negotiated nonaggression, when the warring parties involved promise not to attack. * /Unfortunately, the cease fire in Bosnia was broken many times by all parties concerned./ … Dictionary of American idioms