- cataclysm
- ˈkætəklɪzmкатаклизм, крутой политический или социальный переворот, решительный поворот
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Cataclysm — Cat a*clysm, n. [L. cataclysmos, Gr. kataklysmo s, from ? to dash over, inundate; kata downward, against + ? to wash or dash over: cf. F. cataclysme.] 1. An extensive overflow or sweeping flood of water; a deluge. [1913 Webster] 2. (Geol.) Any… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cataclysm — I noun alluvion, avalanche, convulsion, crash, debacle, deluge, disaster, disturbance, earthquake, eruption, extensive flood, flood, holocaust, inundation, overflow, overflowing, overrunning, quake, storm, temblor, tidal wave, tremor, upheaval,… … Law dictionary
cataclysm — (n.) 1630s, from Fr. cataclysme, from L. cataclysmos, from Gk. kataklysmos deluge, flood, inundation, from kata down (see CATA (Cf. cata )) + klyzein to wash, from PIE *kleue to wash, clean (see CLOACA (Cf … Etymology dictionary
cataclysm — catastrophe, *disaster, calamity Analogous words: convulsing or convulsion, rocking, shaking, agitation (see corresponding verbs at SHAKE): revolution (see REBELLION): *misfortune, mischance, mishap … New Dictionary of Synonyms
cataclysm — [n] disaster calamity, cataract, catastrophe, collapse, convulsion, crunch*, curtains*, debacle, deluge, disturbance, double trouble*, flood, flooding, holy mess*, inundation, misadventure, ruin, torrent, tragedy, unholy mess*, upheaval,… … New thesaurus
cataclysm — ► NOUN ▪ a violent upheaval or disaster. DERIVATIVES cataclysmic adjective cataclysmically adverb. ORIGIN originally denoting the biblical Flood: from Greek kataklusmos deluge … English terms dictionary
cataclysm — [kat′ə kliz΄əm] n. [L cataclysmos < Gr kataklysmos < kataklyzein < kata , down + klyzein, to wash: for IE base see CLOACA] 1. a great flood; deluge 2. any great upheaval, as an earthquake or a war, that causes sudden and violent changes … English World dictionary
Cataclysm — The cataclysm is the Greek expression for the Deluge, from the Greek kataklysmos , to wash down ( kluzein wash kata down ). Erudite Bible studies drew it into the English language in 1633 and it has also been used to describe biblical events such … Wikipedia
Cataclysm — Homeworld: Cataclysm компьютерная игра 2000 года в жанре космической стратегии. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm третье дополнение к MMORPG игре World of Warcraft. См. также Катаклизм … Википедия
cataclysm — UK [ˈkætəˌklɪz(ə)m] / US [ˈkætəˌklɪzəm] noun [countable] Word forms cataclysm : singular cataclysm plural cataclysms literary 1) a sudden violent change, especially a social or political one 2) a sudden natural event that causes a lot of damage,… … English dictionary
cataclysm — [[t]kæ̱təklɪzəm[/t]] cataclysms N COUNT A cataclysm is an event that causes great change or harm. [FORMAL] … English dictionary