- brokerage
- ˈbrəukərɪdʒброкерские операции,посредничество в торговле(куртаж) вознаграждение за посредничество
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
brokerage — bro·ker·age / brō kə rij/ n 1: the business or establishment of a broker 2: a broker s fee or commission Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
Brokerage — Bro ker*age, n. 1. The business or employment of a broker. Burke. [1913 Webster] 2. The fee, reward, or commission, given or changed for transacting business as a broker. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
brokerage — mid 15c., a broker s trade, from BROKER (Cf. broker). Also, in 17c., a pimp s trade … Etymology dictionary
brokerage — [brō′kər ij] n. 1. the business or office of a broker 2. a broker s fee or commission … English World dictionary
brokerage — The fee paid to a floor broker for executing orders. May be a flat amount or a percentage; also referred to as a commission. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Glossary Commission charges payable on securities transactions. Dresdner Kleinwort… … Financial and business terms
brokerage — The wages or commissions of a broker; also, his business or occupation @ brokerage contract A contract of agency, whereby broker is employed to make contracts of kind agreed upon in name and on behalf of his principal, and for which he is paid an … Black's law dictionary
brokerage — The wages or commissions of a broker; also, his business or occupation @ brokerage contract A contract of agency, whereby broker is employed to make contracts of kind agreed upon in name and on behalf of his principal, and for which he is paid an … Black's law dictionary
brokerage — [[t]bro͟ʊkərɪʤ[/t]] brokerages 1) N COUNT: usu N n A brokerage or a brokerage firm is a company of brokers. ...Japan s four biggest brokerages. 2) N UNCOUNT: usu N n A brokerage fee or commission is the money charged by a broker for his or her… … English dictionary
brokerage — Synonyms and related words: admission, admission fee, agency, anchorage, barter, bartering, boiler room, brokerage house, brokerage office, bucket shop, buying and selling, carfare, cellarage, charge, charges, cover charge, dealing, demand,… … Moby Thesaurus
brokerage — UK [ˈbrəʊkərɪdʒ] / US [ˈbroʊkərɪdʒ] noun [uncountable] Word forms brokerage : singular brokerage plural brokerages business the activities of organizing business deals for other people … English dictionary
Brokerage — 1Bro|ke|rage [ broʊkərɪd̮ʒ], das: [engl. brokerage, zu: broker, ↑ Broker] (Börsenw.): Aktienhandel. 2Bro|ke|rage, die; (Börsenw.): Gebühr, die ein Broker für seine Tätigkeit erhält … Universal-Lexikon