- bring/put smb to the test
- подвергнуть к.-л. испытанию
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
trial — n. legal proceedings 1) to conduct, hold a trial 2) to bring smb. to trial; to put smb. on trial 3) to stand trial for (he stood trial for embezzlement) 4) to go to trial (the case went to trial) 5) to waive a (jury) trial (the accused waived a… … Combinatory dictionary
question — I n. query 1) to ask (smb.) a question; to ask a question of smb. 2) to address, pose, put a question to smb. 3) to bring up, raise a question 4) to answer, field, reply to, respond to a question (the senator fielded all questions expertly) 5) to … Combinatory dictionary