- bring forth
- порождать, производить
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
bring forth — (something) to make something available. Maddie brought forth a new line of clothes … New idioms dictionary
bring forth — index avail (bring about), bear (yield), develop, educe, elicit, engender, evoke … Law dictionary
bring forth — verb 1. bring into existence (Freq. 2) The new manager generated a lot of problems The computer bug generated chaos in the office The computer generated this image The earthquake generated a tsunami • Syn: ↑generate … Useful english dictionary
bring forth — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms bring forth : present tense I/you/we/they bring forth he/she/it brings forth present participle bringing forth past tense brought forth past participle brought forth formal to produce something, or to cause a… … English dictionary
bring forth — phrasal 1. bear < brought forth fruit > 2. to give birth to ; produce 3. adduce < bring forth persuasive arguments > … New Collegiate Dictionary
bring forth — phr verb Bring forth is used with these nouns as the object: ↑response … Collocations dictionary
bring forth something — bring forth (something) to make something available. Maddie brought forth a new line of clothes … New idioms dictionary
Bring Forth the Body — is Volume IX of the novel sequence Alms for Oblivion by Simon Raven, published in 1974. It was the ninth novel to be published in The Alms for Oblivion sequence and is also the ninth novel chronologically. The story takes place in England in 1972 … Wikipedia
bring forth — Synonyms and related words: affect, arouse, author, bear, bear fruit, beget, betoken, birth, born, brandish, breathe, breed, bring about, bring forward, bring into being, bring into view, bring out, bring to effect, bring to light, bring to… … Moby Thesaurus
bring forth — verb a) To produce, bear as fruit Their orchard brings forth magnificent fruit. b) To give birth. Queen Anne Boleyn brought forth daughters but no male heir. See Also: bring about, bring … Wiktionary
bring forth — 1. Give birth to, bear. 2. Produce, exhibit, show, expose, bring out, bring to light, make manifest … New dictionary of synonyms