- booty
- ˈbu:tɪграбеж, добыча, награбленное добро, добыча, полученная во время войны
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Booty — Boo ty, n. [Cf. Icel. b[=y]ti exchange, barter, Sw. byte barter, booty, Dan. bytte; akin to D. buit booty, G. beute, and fr. Icel. byta, Sw. byta, Dan. bytte, to distribute, exchange. The Scandinavian word was influenced in English by boot profit … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Booty — may refer to:* A nautical term for treasure * American slang for buttocks Other uses * Booty (computer game) * Booty (EastEnders) … Wikipedia
booty — plunder, gain, profit, mid 15c., from O.Fr. butin booty (14c.), from a Germanic source akin to M.L.G. bute exchange. Influenced in form and sense by BOOT (Cf. boot) (2) and in form by nouns ending in y. Meaning female body considered as a sex… … Etymology dictionary
booty — booty1 [bo͞ot′ē] n. pl. booties [MLowG bute, akin to Ger beute; infl. by BOOT2] 1. loot taken from the enemy; spoils of war 2. anything seized by force or robbery; plunder 3. any gain, prize, or gift SYN. SPOIL ☆ booty2 … English World dictionary
booty — index pillage, plunder, prize, reward, spoils Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
booty — *spoil, loot, plunder, prize, swag … New Dictionary of Synonyms
booty — [n] loot boodle, gain, goods, haul*, pickings*, plunder, spoils, swag, takings*; concepts 337,710 … New thesaurus
booty — ► NOUN ▪ valuable stolen goods. ORIGIN Low German b te, buite exchange, distribution … English terms dictionary
booty — n. 1) to capture, seize, take booty 2) war booty * * * [ buːtɪ] seize take booty to capture war booty … Combinatory dictionary
Booty — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Booty >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 booty booty spoil plunder prize loot swag ???>* pickings Sgm: N 1 spolia opima spolia opima prey Sgm: N 1 blackmail blackmail … English dictionary for students
Booty — Recorded as Bootie and Booty, this is an English surname. Recorded mainly in the East Anglian counties of England, the derivation is from the Old English pre 7th century male given name, Bota , and as such it was a nickname of endearment for… … Surnames reference