- birth control
- регулирование рождаемости
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Birth Control — au festival Sweden Rock en 2008. Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français
Birth Control — Birth Control, Sweden Rock Festiv … Deutsch Wikipedia
Birth Control — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Birth Control fue un grupo de rock alemán (más conocido como krautrock), formado a mediados de 1968 en Berlín. Su nombre viene de la reacción a una declaración del papa Pablo VI sobre los anticonceptivos. La banda se … Wikipedia Español
birth(-)control — [bœʀskɔ̃tʀol] n. m. ÉTYM. 1933, cit.; mot angl., de birth « naissance », et control « contrôle ». ❖ ♦ Anglic., vieilli. Contrôle des naissances (→ Planning familial). || « Les révolutions aiment à se donner une date. Le 14 juillet du “birth… … Encyclopédie Universelle
birth control — irth control n. the act or process of deliberately limiting the number of one s children born, especially by preventing conception. Note: Conception may be prevented by ingesting medicines, using barriers such as condoms or spermicides during… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
birth control — A measure or measures undertaken to prevent conception. Dictionary from West s Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005. birth control A measure or measures undertaken to prevent conception … Law dictionary
birth control — n 1) control of the number of children born esp. by preventing or lessening the frequency of conception: CONTRACEPTION 2) contraceptive devices or preparations * * * the use of contraception or sterilization (male or female) to prevent unwanted… … Medical dictionary
birth control — ☆ birth control n. 1. control of the number and frequency of children born, specif. through the control of conception; contraception 2. a device or method used to prevent conception … English World dictionary
birth control — birth con.trol n [U] the practice of controlling the number of children you have = ↑contraception ▪ a safe method of birth control … Dictionary of contemporary English
birth control — birth′ control n. regulation of the number of children born through control or prevention of conception • Etymology: 1914, amer … From formal English to slang
birth control — [n] method of preventing pregnancy abstinence, condom, contraception, contraceptive, diaphragm, IUD, pill, planned parenthood, rhythm method, rubber, safety*, tied tubes, vasectomy; concepts 121,375 … New thesaurus