- verbal
- ˈvə:bəlустный, словесный
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
verbal — verbal, ale, aux [ vɛrbal, o ] adj. • 1337, attesté par l adv. verbalement; lat. verbalis, de verbum → verbe I ♦ 1 ♦ Qui se fait de vive voix (opposé à écrit). ⇒ oral. Promesse verbale. Ordres, rapports verbaux. Convention verbale. Location… … Encyclopédie Universelle
verbal — verbal, ale (vèr bal, ba l ) adj. 1° Qui n est que de vive voix et non par écrit. Des ordres verbaux. • Il n y a point de promesse de mariage verbale ni par écrit, PATRU Plaidoyer 11. • On a prétendu que le connétable de Montmorency fut… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Verbal — Ver bal, a. [F., fr. L. verbalis. See {Verb}.] 1. Expressed in words, whether spoken or written, but commonly in spoken words; hence, spoken; oral; not written; as, a verbal contract; verbal testimony. [1913 Webster] Made she no verbal question?… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
verbal — VERBÁL, Ă, verbali, e, adj. 1. Care se face, se transmite, se comunică prin viu grai, din gură în gură; care caracterizează graiul viu, vorbirea; oral. 2. Care aparţine verbului (1), privitor la verb, de verb. ♢ Flexiune verbală = conjugare (2).… … Dicționar Român
verbal — (Del lat. verbālis). 1. adj. Que se refiere a la palabra, o se sirve de ella. Memoria verbal. [m6]Expresión verbal. 2. Que se hace o estipula solo de palabra, y no por escrito. Injuria, contrato verbal. 3. Gram. Perteneciente o relativo al verbo … Diccionario de la lengua española
verbal — verb‧al [ˈvɜːbl ǁ ˈvɜːr ] adjective a verbal contract, agreement etc is one that is spoken rather than written: • The bank manager gave verbal assurances of the security of the investments. * * * verbal UK US /ˈvɜːbəl/ adjective ► spoken rather… … Financial and business terms
verbal — has four meanings, all close enough to cause possible confusion: (1) ‘having the nature of a verb’ (verbal noun), (2) involving words rather than actual things • (Opposition between these two modes of speaking is rather verbal than real B. Jowett … Modern English usage
verbal — Verbal, [verb]ale. Qui vient du verbe. Adjectif verbal. Substantif verbal. Verbal, signifie aussi, Qui n est que de vive voix, & non par escrit. Promesse verbale. requeste verbale. On appelle, Procez verbal, Un rapport par escrit, fait par un… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
verbal — [vʉr′bəl] adj. [LME < MFr < LL verbalis, of a word < verbum: see VERB] 1. of, in, or by means of words [a verbal image] 2. concerned merely with words, as distinguished from facts, ideas, or actions 3. in speech; oral rather than written … English World dictionary
verbal — I adjective audible, expressed, nuncupative, oral, parole, pronounced, recited, spoken, stated, unwritten, uttered, verbum, voiced, vox associated concepts: Statute of Frauds, verbal acts, verbal agreements, verbal contracts, verbal gift, verbal… … Law dictionary
verbal — (adj.) late 15c., dealing with words (especially in contrast to things or realities), from L. verbalis consisting of words, relating to verbs, from verbum word (see VERB (Cf. verb)). Verbal conditioning is recorded from 1954. Colloquial verbal… … Etymology dictionary