- untenantable
- ˈʌnˈtenəntəblнепригодный для сдачи внаем или для жилья
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
untenantable — “+əbəl adjective : incapable of being occupied or lived in an untenantable house an untenantable island … Useful english dictionary
untenantable — adj. * * * … Universalium
untenantable — adjective Unliveable or unuseful in its present state to purchaser, tenant or vendor … Wiktionary
untenantable — un·ten·ant·able … English syllables
untenantable — Term frequently used in landlord tenant law to mean the condition of leased premises that are not fit for occupancy or rental. See also warranty (warranty of habitability) … Black's law dictionary
untenantable condition — A condition of premises rendering them unfit for the purpose for which they were leased, particularly where the lease expressly designates the use to be made of the premises. Tyson v Weil, 169 Ala 558, 53 So 912. A condition of premises rendering … Ballentine's law dictionary
rent insurance — A contract of insurance indemnifying the insured owner or lessor of premises against loss of rent under certain specified conditions, such as the premises becoming untenantable because of fire or other casualty. Anno: 17 ALR2d 1228. A species of… … Ballentine's law dictionary
uninhabitable — (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. unfit to live in, unoccupiable, unlivable, untenantable … English dictionary for students
constructive eviction — Such arises when landlord, while not actually depriving tenant of possession, has done or suffered some act by which premises are rendered untenantable. Net Realty Holding Trust v. Nelson, 33 Conn.Sup. 22, 358 A.2d 365, 367. Any disturbance of… … Black's law dictionary
constructive eviction — Such arises when landlord, while not actually depriving tenant of possession, has done or suffered some act by which premises are rendered untenantable. Net Realty Holding Trust v. Nelson, 33 Conn.Sup. 22, 358 A.2d 365, 367. Any disturbance of… … Black's law dictionary
good condition — A relative term; an expression to be construed according to the context in which it appears. As used in a lessee s covenant to keep and yield up the leased premises in good condition, the words do not have a fixed or technical meaning which is… … Ballentine's law dictionary