- unsophisticated
- ˈʌnsəˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪdпростой, безыскусственный, простодушный
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
unsophisticated — index credulous, elementary, honest, inexperienced, ingenuous, naive, provincial, simple, unadulterated … Law dictionary
unsophisticated — 1620s, unmixed, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + SOPHISTICATED (Cf. sophisticated). Meaning ingenuous, natural, inexperienced is recorded from 1660s … Etymology dictionary
unsophisticated — *natural, simple, ingenuous, naive, artless Analogous words: candid, *frank, open,, plain: genuine, bona fide, *authentic: crude, callow, green, uncouth (see RUDE) Antonyms: sophisticated … New Dictionary of Synonyms
unsophisticated — [adj] natural, simple artless, authentic, bush league*, callow, childlike, clean, cornball*, corny*, crude, folksy, genuine, green*, guileless, homey*, inexperienced, ingenuous, innocent, kid*, naive, plain, pure, raw, rookie, straightforward,… … New thesaurus
unsophisticated — ► ADJECTIVE 1) lacking refined worldly knowledge or tastes. 2) not complicated or highly developed; basic … English terms dictionary
unsophisticated — [un΄sə fis′tə kāt΄id] adj. not sophisticated; specif., a) artless, simple, ingenuous, etc. b) not complex, refined, developed, etc. c) Now Rare not adulterated; genuine or pure SYN. NAIVE unsophisticatedly adv. unsophistication n … English World dictionary
unsophisticated — [[t]ʌ̱nsəfɪ̱stɪkeɪtɪd[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED Unsophisticated people do not have a wide range of experience or knowledge and have simple tastes. It was music of a rather crude kind which unsophisticated audiences enjoyed listening to... She was quite… … English dictionary
unsophisticated — adjective Date: 1630 not sophisticated: as a. not changed or corrupted ; genuine b. (1) not worldly wise ; lacking social or economic sophistication (2) lacking complexity of structure ; simple, straightforward < an unsophisticated analysis > … New Collegiate Dictionary
unsophisticated — un|so|phis|ti|cat|ed [ˌʌnsəˈfıstıkeıtıd] adj 1.) not having much knowledge or experience of modern and fashionable things ▪ an unsophisticated audience 2.) unsophisticated tools, methods, or processes are simple and do not have all the features… … Dictionary of contemporary English
unsophisticated — adjective 1 having little knowledge or experience of modern fashionable things, and showing this by the way you talk or behave: an unsophisticated boy from the provinces 2 unsophisticated tools, methods, or processes are simple, without many of… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
unsophisticated — adjective 1) she seemed a bit unsophisticated Syn: unworldly, naive, unrefined, simple, innocent, ignorant, green, immature, callow, inexperienced, childlike, artless, guileless, ingenuous, natural, unaffected, unassuming … Thesaurus of popular words