- union labourer
- рабочий - член профсоюза
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
The Union Buries Its Dead — is a well known sketch story by iconic Australian writer and poet Henry Lawson.The story takes place in Bourke, and concerns the burial of an anonymous union labourer, who had drowned the previous day while trying to swim some horses across a… … Wikipedia
Dilalpur Union — Dilalpur is a Union of Bajitpur Upazila under Kishoreganj District in Dhaka Division, Bangladesh. Contents 1 Demographics 2 Local Government Division(LGD) and Dilalpur Union 3 Administrative … Wikipedia
History of the Soviet Union (1964–1982) — Soviet Union … Wikipedia
Barh Labourer — Loeiz Herrieu Loeiz Herrieu, ou Louis Henrio comme orthographié à l état civil, (1879, Lanester, à l époque en Caudan (Morbihan) 22 mai 1953, Auray), était un écrivain en breton vannetais. On le surnommait Er Barh Labourér (« Le Barde… … Wikipédia en Français
sniper — /ˈsnaɪpə/ (say snuypuh) noun 1. someone or something that snipes. 2. a marksman who shoots at other people from a concealed or long range position. 3. a non union labourer, usually on the waterfront …
Labour Unions (Moral Aspects) — Labour Unions (Moral Aspects) † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Labour Unions (Moral Aspects) Since a labour union is a society, its moral aspects are determined by its constitution, its end, its results, and the means employed in pursuit of… … Catholic encyclopedia
English Poor Laws — Poor Law redirects here. For the Poor Law systems of Scotland and Ireland, see Scottish Poor Laws and Irish Poor Laws. Although many deterrent workhouses developed in the period after the New Poor Law, some had already been built under the… … Wikipedia
Hierarchy of the Early Church — • The word hierarchy is used here to denote the three grades of bishop, priest, and deacon (ministri) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Hierarchy of the Early Church Hierarchy of the Early Church … Catholic encyclopedia
Irish Land and Labour Association — The Irish Land and Labour Association (ILLA) was a progressive movement founded in the early 1890s in Munster, Ireland, to organise and pursue political agitation for small tenant farmers and rural labourers rights. Its branches also spread into… … Wikipedia
Poor Law — This article deals chiefly with the English Poor Laws covering England and Wales. For the laws regarding the other areas of the British Isles see Irish Poor Laws and Scottish Poor Law The Poor Law was the system for the provision of social… … Wikipedia
Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 — Economic Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 (also referred to as The Paris Manuscripts ) are a series of notes written between April and August 1844 by Karl Marx. Not published by Marx during his lifetime, they were first released in 1932 by… … Wikipedia