underdeveloped countries

underdeveloped countries
слаборазвитые (экономически)страны

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "underdeveloped countries" в других словарях:

  • underdeveloped countries — /ˌʌndədɪveləpt kʌntriz/ plural noun countries which are not fully industrialised …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • underdeveloped country — ˌunderdeˌveloped ˈcountry noun underdeveloped countries PLURALFORM [countable] ECONOMICS a country that is poor and where there is not much modern industry compare developing country, LDC * * * underdeveloped country UK US …   Financial and business terms

  • underdeveloped — [[t]ʌ̱ndə(r)dɪve̱ləpt[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n An underdeveloped country or region does not have modern industries and usually has a low standard of living. Some people dislike this term and prefer to use developing. Underdeveloped countries should be …   English dictionary

  • underdeveloped — 1892, in the photography sense, UNDER (Cf. under) + pp. of DEVELOP (Cf. develop). In ref. to countries or regions, recorded from 1949 …   Etymology dictionary

  • underdeveloped country — n. country in which the average standard of living is significantly lower than it is in countries with widespread industrial production and development, developing nation …   English contemporary dictionary

  • How Europe Underdeveloped Africa — is a book written by Walter Rodney in which he portrays the view that Africa was deliberately exploited and underdeveloped by European colonial regimes.Rodney argues that a combination of power politics and economic exploitation of Africa by… …   Wikipedia

  • Semi-periphery countries — In world systems theory, the semi periphery countries (sometimes referred to as just the semiperiphery) are the industrializing, mostly capitalist countries which are in the process of transforming from the periphery countries into core countries …   Wikipedia

  • economic development — Process whereby simple, low income national economies are transformed into modern industrial economies. Theories of economic development the evolution of poor countries dependent on agriculture or resource extraction into prosperous countries… …   Universalium

  • Dependency theory — International relations theory  • Idealism  Liberalism   …   Wikipedia

  • Underdevelopment — Articleissues or=April 2008 npov=April 2008Underdevelopment is the state of an organism or of an organization (e.g. a country) that has not reached its maturity.It is often used to refer to economic underdevelopment, symptoms of which include… …   Wikipedia

  • Neocolonialism — This article is about Neocolonialist political and economic critiques. For Neocolonial architecture, see Colonial Revival architecture. For expanded applications of economic analysis, see Economic imperialism (economics). World empires and… …   Wikipedia

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