- unbearable
- ʌnˈbɛərəblневыносимый, нетерпимый
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
unbearable — index deplorable, insufferable, intolerable, loathsome, objectionable, obnoxious, odious, offensive ( … Law dictionary
unbearable — (adj.) mid 15c., from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + BEARABLE (Cf. bearable). Related: Unbearably … Etymology dictionary
unbearable — [adj] very bad; too much a bit much*, enough, heavy handed*, inadmissible, insufferable, insupportable, intolerable, last straw*, oppressive, unacceptable, unendurable, unsurpassable; concepts 537,571 Ant. acceptable, bearable, good, tolerable … New thesaurus
unbearable — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not able to be endured or tolerated. DERIVATIVES unbearably adverb … English terms dictionary
unbearable — [unber′ə bəl] adj. that cannot be endured or tolerated unbearableness n. unbearably adv … English World dictionary
Unbearable — Infobox Television episode | Title = Unbearable Series = Season = 5 Episode = 14 Guests = Airdate = February 10, 2005 Writer = Josh Berman and Carol Mendelsohn Director = Kenneth Fink Production = Prev = Nesting Dolls Next = King Baby Unbearable… … Wikipedia
unbearable — adj. VERBS ▪ be, feel, seem ▪ become, get ▪ make sb/sth ▪ His arrogance made him absolutely unbearable … Collocations dictionary
unbearable — un|bear|a|ble [ ʌn berəbl ] adjective so extreme that you cannot deal with the pain, feeling, etc: INTOLERABLE: The heat was unbearable. unbearable sorrow a. extremely annoying: an unbearable sulky teenager ╾ un|bear|a|bly adverb … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
unbearable — [[t]ʌ̱nbe͟ərəb(ə)l[/t]] ADJ GRADED If you describe something as unbearable, you mean that it is so unpleasant, painful, or upsetting that you feel unable to accept it or deal with it. War has made life almost unbearable for the civilians… … English dictionary
unbearable — UK [ʌnˈbeərəb(ə)l] / US [ʌnˈberəb(ə)l] adjective a) so extreme that you cannot deal with the pain, feeling etc The heat was unbearable. unbearable sorrow b) extremely annoying an unbearable sulky teenager Derived word: unbearably adverb … English dictionary
unbearable — un|bear|a|ble [ʌnˈbeərəbəl US ˈber ] adj too unpleasant, painful, or annoying to deal with = ↑intolerable ▪ The pain was almost unbearable . ▪ He was making life unbearable for his parents. >unbearably adv ▪ an unbearably hot day … Dictionary of contemporary English