transportation facilities

transportation facilities
перевозочные средства

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "transportation facilities" в других словарях:

  • transportation — /trans peuhr tay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of transporting. 2. the state of being transported. 3. the means of transport or conveyance. 4. the business of conveying people, goods, etc. 5. price of travel or transport by public conveyance; fare. 6.… …   Universalium

  • transportation economics — Introduction  the study of the allocation of transportation resources in order to meet the needs of a society.       In a macroeconomic sense, transportation activities form a portion of a nation s total economic product and play a role in… …   Universalium

  • facilities — n. installations 1) to provide facilities for 2) ample; excellent; modern; outmoded; poor; rundown facilities 3) dining, eating; educational; hotel; medical; port; public; public health; recreational; research; storage; transportation facilities… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Transportation —    Commercial and military needs triggered the development of modern transportation networks in the Austrian lands of the Habsburg Empire. By the beginning of the 18th century, the dynasty’s ministers knew well that overseas trade had enriched… …   Historical dictionary of Austria

  • Transportation in Virginia — Transportation in the Commonwealth of Virginia is by land, sea and air. Virginia s extensive network of highways and railroads were developed and built over a period almost 400 years, beginning almost immediately after the founding of Jamestown… …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation in the United States — is facilitated by road, air, rail, and water networks. The vast majority of passenger travel occurs by automobile for shorter distances, and airplane for longer distances. In descending order, most cargoes travel by railroad, truck, pipeline, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation demand management — or Travel Demand Management (both TDM) is the application of strategies and policies to reduce automobile travel demand, or to redistribute this demand in space or in time. [Citation | last = Nelson | first = Donna C., Editor | year = 2000 |… …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation in Saskatchewan — is the movement of people and goods from one place to another within the province. The term is derived from the Latin trans ( across ) and portare ( to carry ). Transportation in Saskatchewan includes an infrastructure system of roads, highways,… …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation in Richmond, Virginia — and its immediate surroundings include land, sea and air modes. This article includes the independent city and portions of the contiguous counties of Henrico and Chesterfield. While almost all of Henrico County would be considered part of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation geography — is the branch of geography that investigates spatial interactions, let them be of people, freight and information. It can consider humans and their use of vehicles or other modes of travelling as well as how markets are serviced by flows of… …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation in Erie, Pennsylvania — includes access to most major forms of transportation, including automobile, bus, train, airplane, and ship. The city generates income through the transportation industry, including train manufacturing and port operations.treets and HighwaysErie… …   Wikipedia

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