- transfer of ownership
- передача права собственности
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
transfer of ownership of a starch factory — bulvių krakmolo gamybos įmonės nuosavybės perdavimas statusas Aprobuotas sritis krakmolas apibrėžtis Techninio padalinio, įskaitant visą krakmolo gamybos įrangą, nuosavybės perdavimas vienai arba kelioms įmonėms, kai iš dalies arba visiškai… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
transfer of ownership of a starch-producing undertaking — bulvių krakmolo gamybos įmonės nuosavybės teisių perdavimas statusas Aprobuotas sritis krakmolas apibrėžtis Kvotos dalį turinčios įmonės turto priskyrimas arba perdavimas vienai arba kelioms krakmolo gamybos įmonėms. atitikmenys: angl. transfer… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
transfer — trans·fer 1 /trans fər, trans ˌfər/ vt trans·ferred, trans·fer·ring: to cause a transfer of trans·fer·abil·i·ty /trans ˌfər ə bi lə tē, ˌtrans fər / n trans·fer·able also trans·fer·ra·ble /trans fər ə bəl/ adj trans·fer·or /trans fər ȯr, tr … Law dictionary
ownership — own·er·ship n: the state, relation, or fact of being an owner; also: the rights or interests of an owner reduced their ownership by one third absolute ownership: ownership esp. by a single person that is free of any encumbrances or limitations… … Law dictionary
transfer — A change of ownership from one person or party to another. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary On the London Stock Exchange, the form signed by the seller of a security authorising the company to remove his name from the register, and substitute that… … Financial and business terms
transfer fee — charge for registering a transfer of ownership (i.e. of a house); fee for moving or changing something (i.e. a ticket or account, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
ownership — own‧er‧ship [ˈəʊnəʆɪp ǁ ˈoʊnər ] noun [uncountable] COMMERCE the state of owning something: • Car ownership by teenagers tripled during the decade. • Home ownership is more common in Britain than in Europe generally. • Limited partnerships give… … Financial and business terms
Ownership society — is a slogan for a model of society promoted by former United States President George W. Bush. It takes as lead values personal responsibility, economic liberty, and the owning of property. The ownership society discussed by Bush also extends to… … Wikipedia
OWNERSHIP — (Heb. בַּעֲלות, ba alut). As a proprietary right, ownership is the most important of all rights in property, all other rights being inferior to it. The distinction between ownership and other proprietary rights is apparent not only in matters of… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
transfer ownership — index alienate (transfer title), bequeath, demise, devolve, grant (transfer formally), pass (advance) … Law dictionary
transfer ownership to the government — index nationalize Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary