Federal excise

Federal excise
Федеральный акциз

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "Federal excise" в других словарях:

  • federal excise tax — UK US noun [C or U] GOVERNMENT, TAX ► a tax paid to the US government by manufacturers and distributors of goods such as fuel and tobacco: »Members of Congress are exploring a reduction in federal excise tax rates on gasoline and diesel fuel …   Financial and business terms

  • Excise tax in the United States — Excise tax, sometimes called an excise duty, is a type of tax. In the United States, the term excise means: (A) any tax other than a property tax or capitation (i.e., an indirect tax, or excise, in the constitutional law sense), or (B) a tax that …   Wikipedia

  • Federal telephone excise tax — The federal telephone excise tax is a statutory federal excise tax imposed under the Internal Revenue Code in the United States under usc|26|4251 on amounts paid for certain communications services. The tax was to be imposed on the person paying… …   Wikipedia

  • excise duty — A UK duty charged on both UK produced and imported goods. Goods subject to excise duty include beer, wine, spirits and other alcoholic drinks; hydrocarbon oils (including fuel oil)}}; and tobacco goods. The rate of duty is set separately for each …   Financial and business terms

  • excise — ex·cise / ek ˌsīz, ˌsīs/ n 1: a tax levied on the manufacture, sale, or consumption of a commodity compare income tax, property tax 2: any of various taxes on privileges often assessed in the form of a license or other fee see also …   Law dictionary

  • excise tax — Federal or state tax placed on the sale or manufacture of a commodity, typically a luxury item e.g., alcohol. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * excise tax excise tax ➔ tax1 * * * excise tax UK US noun [C or U] US TAX ► EXCISE DUTY(Cf. ↑ …   Financial and business terms

  • Federal Telephone Excise Tax — The federal telephone excise tax is a statutory federal tax on communications services. It is collected from a customer (of a telephone company, for instance) by the entity receiving any payment for facilities or services on which the tax is… …   Investment dictionary

  • Federal Highway Trust Fund (United States) — The United States Highway Trust Fund is a transportation fund with three accounts the bulk composed by the Highway Fund , a smaller Mass Transit Account and a comparatively small Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund. Lawmakers established… …   Wikipedia

  • Federal tax revenue by state — This is a table of the total Federal tax revenue by state collected by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service in 2007.Gross collections indicates the total Federal tax revenue collected by the IRS from each U.S. state, the District of Columbia, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Excise Overhead Handling — United StatesA term that appeared on automotive bills of sale prior to the 1971. It appeared as the initialism E.O.H. and referred mostly to the excise tax on automobiles built for highway use and was used to pay for the expanding highway system …   Wikipedia

  • excise — Synonyms and related words: VAT, abscind, ad valorem duty, alcohol tax, amputate, amusement tax, annihilate, assessment on default, avulse, ax, ban, bar, bisect, bob, butcher, capital gains tax, capitation, capitation tax, carve, chop, cleave,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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