be liable to tax

be liable to tax
подлежать обложению налогом

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "be liable to tax" в других словарях:

  • liable — li‧a‧ble [ˈlaɪəbl] adjective [not before a noun] LAW 1. legally responsible for paying something: liable for • The troubled company will be liable for about $52 million in back taxes and penalties. 2. likely to be legally punished or forced to… …   Financial and business terms

  • Tax protester statutory arguments — Part of the Taxation in the United States series Tax protest in the United States …   Wikipedia

  • Tax protester arguments — UStaxationTax protester arguments are a number of theories raised by individuals who deny that a person has a legal obligation to pay a tax for which the US government has determined that person is liable. (See also: Tax protester (United… …   Wikipedia

  • liable */*/ — UK [ˈlaɪəb(ə)l] / US adjective [never before noun] a) legally responsible for causing damage or injury, so that you have to pay something or be punished If something goes wrong, you ll be liable. liable for: The hospital was held liable for… …   English dictionary

  • tax evasion — Minimizing tax liabilities illegally, usually by not disclosing that one is liable to tax or by giving false information to the authorities. Evasion is liable to severe penalties. Compare: tax avoidance …   Accounting dictionary

  • tax evasion — Minimizing tax liabilities illegally, usually by not disclosing that one is liable to tax or by giving false information to the authorities. Evasion is liable to severe penalties. Compare tax avoidance …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • tax deposit certificate — A certificate issued by the UK Inland Revenue to a taxpayer who has made an advance payment in anticipation of future income tax, capital gains tax, or corporation tax. The initial payment must not be less than £2000 and has to be made to a tax… …   Accounting dictionary

  • tax deposit certificate — A certificate issued by HM Revenue and Customs to a taxpayer who has made an advance payment in anticipation of future income tax, capital gains tax, or corporation tax. The initial payment must not be less than £2000 and has to be made to a tax… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • liable — li·a·ble / lī ə bəl/ adj [ultimately from Old French lier to bind, from Latin ligare] 1: answerable according to law: bound or obligated according to law or equity one is liable as an accomplice to the crime of another W. R. LaFave and A. W.… …   Law dictionary

  • Tax and NIC charges on Company Cars — Under income tax legislation, the tax payable by an individual on a company car is assessed on 35% of the new price list up to a maximum of ₤80,000. Where the employee s business mileage is over 18,000 miles, this figure can be reduced by two… …   Law dictionary

  • tax´a|bly — tax|a|ble «TAK suh buhl», adjective. liable to be taxed; subject to taxation: »Churches are not taxable. The basic definition of taxable income [is] gross income less deductions (Wall Street Journal). SYNONYM(S): assessable. –tax´a|ble|ness, noun …   Useful english dictionary

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