terminal expenses

terminal expenses
дополнительные транспорт.расходы

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "terminal expenses" в других словарях:

  • Terminal — Ter mi*nal, n. 1. That which terminates or ends; termination; extremity. [1913 Webster] 2. (Eccl.) Either of the ends of the conducting circuit of an electrical apparatus, as an inductorium, dynamo, or electric motor, usually provided with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • freight terminal — Terminal Ter mi*nal, n. 1. That which terminates or ends; termination; extremity. [1913 Webster] 2. (Eccl.) Either of the ends of the conducting circuit of an electrical apparatus, as an inductorium, dynamo, or electric motor, usually provided… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Michigan Terminal System — (MTS) The MTS welcome screen as seen through a 3270 terminal emulator. Company / developer University of Michigan and 7 other universities in the US, Canada, and the UK …   Wikipedia

  • Federal Correctional Institution, Terminal Island — (FCI Terminal Island) is a low security prison for men located on Reservation Point on Terminal Island in Los Angeles. The other Federal prison in the Los Angeles area is the Metropolitan Detention Center in Downtown Los Angeles. They are both… …   Wikipedia

  • terminus — Terminal Ter mi*nal, n. 1. That which terminates or ends; termination; extremity. [1913 Webster] 2. (Eccl.) Either of the ends of the conducting circuit of an electrical apparatus, as an inductorium, dynamo, or electric motor, usually provided… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Employer transportation benefits in the United States — An employer may provide transportation benefits to their employees that are tax free up to a certain limit. Under the US Internal Revenue Code section 132(a), the qualified transportation benefits is one of the eight types of statutory employee… …   Wikipedia

  • Jacksonville Port Authority — The Jacksonville Port Authority (JPA), also known as JAXPORT, is the independent government agency that owns and operates much of Jacksonville’s Seaport System, including (but not limited to) the following: docks and wharfs, cranes, a passenger… …   Wikipedia

  • Debit card — Personal finance Credit and debt Pawnbroker Student loan Employment contract Salary Wage Empl …   Wikipedia

  • Auto Train — Infobox Amtrak name = Auto Train logo filename = logo size = logo caption = image size = 300 image caption = Amtrak s Auto Train passing through Folkston, Georgia. map filename =AutoTrainNewSmall.jpg map size =200px map caption =Amtrak s Auto… …   Wikipedia

  • Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority — MARTA redirects here. For the county bus system in California, see Mountain Area Regional Transit Authority. Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority …   Wikipedia

  • List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 2007 — This is an incomplete list of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom in 2007. NOTOC 1 100* Cider and Perry and Wine and Made wine (Amendment) Regulations 2007 S.I. 2007/4 * Customs and Excise (Personal Reliefs for Special Visitors)… …   Wikipedia

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