term of payment

term of payment
срок платежа

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "term of payment" в других словарях:

  • Payment protection insurance — Payment protection insurance, (also known as PPI, credit protection insurance, loan repayment insurance, not to be confused with income protection or credit card cover) is an insurance product that is often designed to cover a debt that is… …   Wikipedia

  • Term — Term, n. [F. terme, L. termen, inis, terminus, a boundary limit, end; akin to Gr. ?, ?. See {Thrum} a tuft, and cf. {Terminus}, {Determine}, {Exterminate}.] 1. That which limits the extent of anything; limit; extremity; bound; boundary. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Term fee — Term Term, n. [F. terme, L. termen, inis, terminus, a boundary limit, end; akin to Gr. ?, ?. See {Thrum} a tuft, and cf. {Terminus}, {Determine}, {Exterminate}.] 1. That which limits the extent of anything; limit; extremity; bound; boundary.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • term — n often attrib 1: a specified period of time the policy term 2: the whole period for which an estate is granted; also: the estate itself 3 a: the period in which the powers of a court may be validly exercised b …   Law dictionary

  • Payment in kind — refers to payment for goods or services with a medium other than legal tender (anything can be used as money, but legal tender is what the State accepts for all debts).Etymology“Kind” (or sometimes ) in this context is an archaic noun meaning… …   Wikipedia

  • term — term1 [tʉrm] n. [ME terme < OFr < L terminus, a limit, boundary, end < IE * termṇ, a boundary stake < base * ter , to cross over, go beyond > TRANS , Gr terma, goal] 1. Archaic a point of time designating the beginning or end of a… …   English World dictionary

  • Term day — A day which is a term (as for payment of rent), or is a day in a term, as of the sitting of a court; esp., one of a series of special days, designated by scientists of different nations or stations, for making synoptic magnetic, meteorological,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Term insurance — Insurance for a specified term providing for no payment to the insured except upon losses during the term, and becoming void upon its expiration. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • term bill — A bill of exchange is a document addressed by the exporter to the importer requiring the importer to pay a sum of money. A term bill requires payment at a future date, whereas a sight draft must be settled immediately. Easyform Glossary of Law… …   Law dictionary

  • term — The period of time during which a contract is in force. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. term term 1 [tɜːm ǁ tɜːrm] noun 1. [countable] a word or expression that has a particular meaning, especially in a technical or scientific subject:… …   Financial and business terms

  • Payment card industry — The payment card industry (PCI) denotes the debit, credit, pre paid, e purse, ATM, and POS cards and associated businesses.The term is sometimes more specifically used to refer to the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, an… …   Wikipedia

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