- technical terms
- технические условия
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Technical terminology — is the specialized vocabulary of a field. These terms have specific definitions within the field, which is not necessarily the same as their meaning in common use. Jargon is similar, but more informal in definition and use, while legal terms of… … Wikipedia
technical — ▪ I. technical technical 2 noun 1. technicals [plural] FINANCE signs that show the way prices are moving on the stock and that help people to calculate what will happen to the price of shares etc in the future: • The market technicals gave … Financial and business terms
technical — tech|ni|cal W2S2 [ˈteknıkəl] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(machines)¦ 2 technical problem/hitch 3¦(language)¦ 4¦(details/rules)¦ 5¦(skills)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1600 1700; : Greek; Origin: technikos of art, skillful , from techne art, skill ] 1 … Dictionary of contemporary English
technical — adj. 1 of or involving or concerned with the mechanical arts and applied sciences (technical college; a technical education). 2 of or relating to a particular subject or craft etc. or its techniques (technical terms; technical merit). 3 (of a… … Useful english dictionary
technical — / teknIkFl/ adjective 1 INDUSTRY/SCIENCE connected with practical knowledge, skills, or methods, especially in industrial or scientific work: technical experts | technical training see technique 2 LANGUAGE using words in a special way that is… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
technical dictionary — book containing meanings and definitions of technical terms … English contemporary dictionary
technical — Belonging or peculiar to an art or profession. Technical terms are frequently called in the books words of art. Immaterial, not affecting substantial rights, without substance … Black's law dictionary
Technical University of Denmark — Den Polytekniske Læreanstalt Danmarks Tekniske Universitet Motto Det bli r til noget Motto in English It amounts to something … Wikipedia
technical — [tek′ni kəl] adj. [ TECHNIC + AL] 1. having to do with the practical, industrial, or mechanical arts or the applied sciences [a technical school] 2. of, used in, or peculiar to a specific science, art, profession, craft, etc.; specialized… … English World dictionary
technical provisions — Introduced by the Pensions (IORP) Directive, and incorporated into UK law by the Pensions Act 2004, the technical provisions of a salary related pension scheme (salary related scheme) are the amount required to cover its liabilities. Essentially … Law dictionary
Technical analysis — Financial markets Public market Exchange Securities Bond market Fixed income Corporate bond Government bond Municipal bond … Wikipedia