be in possession of smth

be in possession of smth
владеть чем-л.

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "be in possession of smth" в других словарях:

  • March 2005 — ← – January 2005 – February 2005 – March – April 2005 – May 2005 – June 2005 – July 2005 – August 2005 – September 2005 – October 2005 – November 2005 – December 2005 – → < Marc …   Wikipedia

  • It Wasn't Meant to Happen — Infobox Television episode Title = It Wasn t Meant to Happen Series = Desperate Housewives Caption = Lynette at the office. Season = 2 Episode = 20 Airdate = April 30, 2006 Production = 220 Writer = Marc Cherry and Tom Spezialy Director = Larry… …   Wikipedia

  • hand\ over — v To give control or possession of; give (smth) to another person. When the teacher saw Johnny reading a comic book in study period, she made him hand over the book. When Mr. Jones gets old, he will hand over his business to his son. Syn.: fork… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • get hold of — 1) (smth) get possession of When you get hold of a dictionary could you please let me see it for a few minutes. 2) (smb) find a person so you can speak with him or her I tried to get hold of him last week but he was out of town …   Idioms and examples

  • neu-d- —     neu d     English meaning: to acquire, to make use of smth.     Deutsche Übersetzung: “Erstrebtes ergreifen, in Nutzung nehmen”     Material: Goth. niutan “τυχεῖν, reach”, ga niutan “ gripe, catch”, nuta “Fänger, fisherman “, O.Ice. njōta… …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

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