- tariff value
- ценность товара для целей таможенного обложения
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Tariff — For other uses, see Tariff (disambiguation). Taxation An aspect of fiscal policy … Wikipedia
tariff — tariffless, adj. /tar if/, n. 1. an official list or table showing the duties or customs imposed by a government on imports or exports. 2. the schedule or system of duties so imposed. 3. any duty or rate of duty in such a list or schedule. 4. any … Universalium
Value added tax — Taxation An aspect of fiscal policy … Wikipedia
tariff — A tax on imports or exports. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary The Integrated Tariff of the United Kingdom. This sets out information about customs procedures for the import, export and transit of goods. It also includes details of how goods are… … Financial and business terms
Tariff of 1790 — In 1790, Alexander Hamilton, the secretary of the treasury, calculated that the United States required $3 million a year for operating expenses as well as enough revenue to repay the estimated $75 million in foreign and domestic debt. Under the… … Wikipedia
tariff — Synonyms and related words: VAT, ad valorem duty, alcohol tax, amusement tax, assessment, assessment on default, bill of fare, capital gains tax, capitation, capitation tax, cess, charge, corporation tax, cost, customs, customs duty, death duty,… … Moby Thesaurus
tariff quotas — A form of European Union ( EU) preference under which limited amounts of specified goods may be imported to the EU and admitted to free circulation at a reduced or nil rate of customs duty and/or Common Agricultural Policy ( CAP) charges. Quota… … Financial and business terms
Non-tariff barriers to trade — (NTBs) are trade barriers that restrict imports but are not in the usual form of a tariff. Some common examples of NTB s are anti dumping measures and countervailing duties, which, although they are called non tariff barriers, have the effect of… … Wikipedia
Fordney–McCumber Tariff — The Fordney–McCumber Tariff of 1922 raised American tariffs in order to protect factories and farms. Congress displayed a pro business attitude in passing the ad valorem tariff and in promoting foreign trade through providing huge loans to Europe … Wikipedia
National tariff system (Netherlands) — The national tariff system (Dutch: nationaal tariefsysteem or nationale vervoerbewijzen/NVB) is a ticketing and zoning scheme for local public transport in the Netherlands. It was designed as a nationwide scheme but is being phased out (see… … Wikipedia
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act — (1930) U.S. legislation that raised import duties by as much as 50%, adding considerable strain to the worldwide economic climate of the Great Depression. Despite a petition from 1,000 economists urging Pres. Herbert Hoover to veto the act, it… … Universalium