be good money

be good money
выгодный (выгодно помещенные деньги)

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "be good money" в других словарях:

  • good money — large amount of money; cash, current money …   English contemporary dictionary

  • pay good money for something — phrase to pay a lot for something used for emphasizing that you spent a lot, especially when it has not been worth it I paid good money for those shoes, and you’ve only worn them twice. Thesaurus: to spend or to pay moneysynonym Main entry: pay * …   Useful english dictionary

  • throw good money after bad — DISAPPROVING ► to waste money by continuing to invest in something that has already cost a lot and is unlikely to be a success: »The government may be throwing good money after bad by using taxpayers money to bail out the failing banks. Main… …   Financial and business terms

  • throw good money after bad —    Someone who spends additional money on something that was already considered a bad investment is said to throw good money after bad.     Buying a second hand computer and then spending money to have it repaired is throwing good money after… …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • throw good money after bad — informal phrase to continue spending money on something such as a business or a project that is going to fail Thesaurus: to do business and relating to doing businesshyponym closing a business and ceasing to operate a businesssynonym Main entry:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • throw good money after bad — to spend more and more money on something that will never be successful. Investors in the project began to pull out as they realised they were simply throwing good money after bad …   New idioms dictionary

  • throw good money after bad — spend more on a failure, repair a poor product    If we fix that TV again, we ll be throwing good money after bad …   English idioms

  • pay good money for something — to pay a lot for something: used for emphasizing that you spent a lot, especially when it has not been worth it I paid good money for those shoes, and you ve only worn them twice …   English dictionary

  • throw good money after bad — ► throw good money after bad incur further loss in a hopeless attempt to recoup a previous loss. Main Entry: ↑throw …   English terms dictionary

  • good money — Federal funds that clear on the same day, unlike clearinghouse funds , which require three days to clear. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary …   Financial and business terms

  • good money — …   Useful english dictionary

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