- surplus of goods
- товарные излишки
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
surplus — 01. A [surplus] in the amount of wheat grown this year has caused the price to go down. 02. He doesn t have a gram of [surplus] fat on his body. 03. Unemployment in this country is due to a [surplus] in labor, not because people are too lazy to… … Grammatical examples in English
Surplus value — is a concept created by Karl Marx in his critique of political economy, where its ultimate source is unpaid surplus labor performed by the worker for the capitalist, serving as a basis for capital accumulation.The German equivalent word Mehrwert… … Wikipedia
surplus — sur·plus / sər ˌpləs/ n 1 a: an amount that remains when a use or need is satisfied b: an excess of receipts over disbursements c: the value of assets after subtracting liabilities 2: an excess of the net worth of a corporation over the par value … Law dictionary
Surplus Value, Theory Of — Surplus value is a central notion in Karl Marx’s analysis of capitalism and his theory of exploitation. Marx bases his theory of surplus value on the labor theory of value which assumes the value of goods to be determined by the relative… … Historical dictionary of Marxism
surplus value — ➔ value1 * * * surplus value UK US noun [U] ► ECONOMICS the difference between the amount a worker is paid and the value the worker adds to the goods or services produced: »In Marxist theory, the capitalist, after paying wages, becomes the owner… … Financial and business terms
Surplus product — Part of a series on Marxism … Wikipedia
Surplus labour — Part of a series on Marxism … Wikipedia
surplus — ▪ I. surplus sur‧plus 1 [ˈsɜːpləs ǁ ˈsɜːr ] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] ECONOMICS an amount of something that is more than what is wanted, needed, or used: • Sugar prices fell after revised estimates of the surplus for the current crop year … Financial and business terms
surplus — I UK [ˈsɜː(r)pləs] / US [ˈsɜrpləs] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms surplus : singular surplus plural surpluses ** 1) more of something than is necessary Keep one cup of the liquid and throw away the surplus. surplus of: Brussels has a… … English dictionary
goods — A category of personal property defined by Article 9 of the UCC. Sometimes called tangible goods. Further divided into consumer goods, equipment, farm products, and inventory. American Banker Glossary * * * goods goods [gʊdz] noun [plura … Financial and business terms
surplus — sur|plus1 [ sɜrpləs ] noun count or uncount ** 1. ) more of something than is necessary: Keep one cup of the liquid and throw away the surplus. surplus of: Canada has a surplus of hospital beds. 2. ) an amount of money or goods that is left… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English