be concerned about

be concerned about
беспокоиться, заботиться о чем-л.

Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "be concerned about" в других словарях:

  • be concerned about — be worried with regards to, be uneasy or anxious about …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Concerned United Birthparents — Concerned United Birthparents, Inc. (CUB) is a non profit American organization that was founded in October 1976, by Lee Campbell as a small group gathered to provide mutual support for birthparents, men and women who had surrendered children to… …   Wikipedia

  • concerned — adj. 1) deeply, greatly concerned 2) concerned about, for, over; with (concerned about safety) 3) (esp. BE) concerned to + inf. (concerned to know your decision) 4) concerned that + clause (we are concerned that they might have missed the train)… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • concerned — con|cerned W1S1 [kənˈsə:nd US ə:rnd] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(involved)¦ 2¦(worried)¦ 3 as far as somebody is concerned 4 as far as something is concerned 5¦(think something is important)¦ 6¦(love/care)¦ 7 concerned with somebody/something ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1.)… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • concerned — con|cerned [ kən sɜrnd ] adjective *** ▸ 1 worried ▸ 2 involved/affected ▸ 3 feeling care for someone ▸ 4 giving your attention ▸ 5 about ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) FORMAL worried about something: Concerned parents held a meeting to discuss the issue.… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • concerned — adjective 1 (not before noun) involved in something or affected by it: The affair is greatly regretted by everyone concerned. | Divorce is very painful, especially when children are concerned. (+ in): Everyone concerned in the incident was… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • concerned */*/*/ — UK [kənˈsɜː(r)nd] / US [kənˈsɜrnd] adjective 1) worried about something Concerned parents held a meeting to discuss the issue. concerned about: Police said they were very concerned about the boy s safety. concerned that: She was concerned that… …   English dictionary

  • concerned*/*/*/ — [kənˈsɜːnd] adj 1) formal worried about something Ant: unconcerned Police said they were very concerned about the boy s safety.[/ex] 2) involved in something, or affected by something I suggest you speak to the person concerned.[/ex] 3) caring… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • concerned — adj. 1 involved, interested (the people concerned; concerned with proving his innocence). 2 (often foll. by that, about, at, for, or to + infin.) troubled, anxious (concerned about him; concerned to hear that). Phrases and idioms: as (or so) far… …   Useful english dictionary

  • concerned — adjective 1) her mother looked concerned Syn: worried, anxious, upset, perturbed, troubled, distressed, uneasy, apprehensive, agitated 2) he is concerned about your welfare Syn: solicitous, caring; …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • Concerned Women for America — (CWFA) is a conservative Christian public policy group active in the United States best known for its stance against abortion. The group was founded in 1979 by Beverly LaHaye, wife of Christian Coalition of America co founder Timothy LaHaye, as a …   Wikipedia

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