- suggestion
- səˈdʒestʃənпредложение, совет, указание
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов. 2001.
suggestion — [ sygʒɛstjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIIe; lat. suggestio 1 ♦ Littér. Action de suggérer. ⇒ influence. « la suggestion [...] qui consiste à faire dans l esprit des autres une petite incision où l on met une idée à soi » (Hugo). ♢ Dr. Le fait d influencer qqn,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Suggestion — is the name given to the psychological process by which one person may guide the thoughts, feelings or behaviour of another. For nineteenth century writers on psychology such as William James the words suggest and suggestion were used in senses… … Wikipedia
Suggestion — Sug*ges tion, n. [F. suggestion, L. suggestio.] 1. The act of suggesting; presentation of an idea. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is suggested; an intimation; an insinuation; a hint; a different proposal or mention; also, formerly, a secret… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
suggestion — sug·ges·tion n 1 a: the act or process of suggesting b: something suggested 2: an entry on the record of a fact or circumstance (as the death or insolvency of a party) material to a case and essential for the court in making its determination… … Law dictionary
suggestion — Suggestion. subst. f. v. Instigation, persuasion. Pernicieuse, dangereuse suggestion. il a fait telle chose à la suggestion d un tel. c est une suggestion du malin esprit. Il ne se dit qu en mauvaise part … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
suggestion — [n1] advice, plan advancement, angle, approach, bid, big idea*, bit*, brainchild*, charge, commendation, exhortation, game plan*, gimmick, hot lead*, idea, injunction, instruction, invitation, lead, motion, opinion, outline, pitch, presentation,… … New thesaurus
suggestion — mid 14c., a prompting to evil, from Anglo Fr. and O.Fr. suggestioun, from L. suggestionem (nom. suggestio) an addition, intimation, suggestion, from suggestus, pp. of suggerere suggest, supply, bring up, from sub up (see SUB (Cf. sub )) + gerere… … Etymology dictionary
suggestion — ► NOUN 1) an idea or plan put forward for consideration. 2) the action of suggesting. 3) something that implies or indicates a certain fact or situation. 4) a slight trace or indication: a suggestion of a smile. 5) Psychology the influencing of a … English terms dictionary
suggestion — [səgjes′chən, səjes′chən] n. [ME < OFr suggestioun < L suggestio] 1. a suggesting or being suggested 2. something suggested 3. the process by which an idea is brought to the mind through its connection or association with an idea already in … English World dictionary
Suggestion — (lat., »Eingebung«), ursprünglich nach der schottischen Psychologenschule (Th. Brown u. a.) die Erweckung von Vorstellungen durch andre Vorstellungen, dann nach Braid Bezeichnung für gewisse Vorgänge in der Hypnose (s. Hypnotismus) Allgemeiner… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Suggestion — (lat.), Erweckung einer Vorstellung durch eine andere, dient zum Herbeiführen des hypnotischen Zustandes und Erregen von Vorstellungen, Empfindungen und Handlungen während oder nach der Hypnose; sie wird entweder durch einen fremden Willen… … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon